21-Day Run/Walk Program for Fat Loss

Are you under the impression that you have to run miles and miles to get results? If so, prepare to have your mind blown! If you take a methodical approach, a little bit can go a long way, and we do our best to make that happen. In this simple beginner walk to run program, you will run/walk your way to surprising fat loss results. As you will see, sometimes the best route to success is not the hardest, but the smartest.

21-Day Run/Walk Program for Fat Loss

By following the simple beginners running program below, you’ll be on your way to joining the walk/run fat loss sensation. Why is it sensational? Because it’s doable! It’s not made for super athletes or people who run miles every day like it’s a cakewalk. It’s made for people like you and me! If you take it day-by-day, you’ll reach the finish line before you know it. Not only will you notice a difference in your appearance, but we bet you’ll feel a lot healthier too!


Key Terms to Know:

Cardio Walk: Walk at a fast pace, keeping your arms at chest level and swinging them front to back–just as when jogging. The average pace for a cardio walk is 3 to 4.5 miles per hour.

Jog: Jogging should be a comfortable run, typically at a pace of 4 to 6 miles per hour.

Run: Anything over 6 miles per hour is usually considered running.

Week 1

Day 1: ¼ mile cardio walk, ½ mile jog. Repeat to total 1.5 mile.

Day 2: ¼ mile cardio walk, ½ mile jog. Repeat to total 1.5 mile.

Day 3: ¼ mile cardio walk, ¾ mile jog. Repeat to total 2 miles.

Day 4: ¼ mile cardio walk, ¾ mile jog. Repeat to total 2 miles.

Day 5: Rest.

Day 6: ¼ mile cardio walk, ¼ mile run. Repeat for 12 minutes.

Day 7: ¼ mile cardio walk, ½ mile jog, ¼ mile cardio walk, ¼ mile run. Repeat for 15 minutes.

Week 2

Day 8: ¾ mile jog, ¼ mile cardio walk, ¼ mile run, ¼ mile cardio walk. Repeat for 15 minutes.

Day 9: ¾ mile jog, ¼ mile cardio walk, ½ mile jog. Repeat for 12 minutes.

Day 10: Rest.

Day 11: ¾ mile jog, ¼ mile cardio walk. Repeat to total 2 miles.

Day 12: ¾ mile jog, ¼ mile cardio walk, ½ mile jog, ¼ mile cardio walk. Repeat for 18 minutes.

Day 13: 1 mile jog, ¼ mile cardio walk, ½ mile run, ¼ mile cardio walk. Repeat for 18 minutes.

Day 14: 1 mile jog, ¼ mile cardio walk. Repeat for 15 minutes.

Week 3

Day 15: Rest

Day 16: ¾ mile jog, ¼ mile cardio walk. Repeat to total 3 miles.

Day 17: 1 mile jog, ¼ mile cardio walk, ½ mile run, ¼ mile cardio walk. Repeat for 20 minutes.

Day 18: 1 mile jog, ¼ mile cardio walk. Repeat for 20 minutes.

Day 19: ½ mile run, ¼ mile cardio walk. Repeat for 15 minutes.

Day 20: Rest.

Day 21: ½ mile run, ¼ mile cardio walk. Repeat for 20 minutes.

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