11 Surprising Mistakes You Might Be Making While Going To The Bathroom!!!

Many people don’t allow themselves the time to have an ideal bathroom experience, which can lead to constipation and other health problems — as well as that nagging sense that you didn’t fully “go.”

And that can really put a damper on the day. “Although it’s not widely talked about, we all want better poop.Nobody wants to feel constipated or unclean after going to the bathroom. We all just want to get in, get out, and go on with our day feeling light as air.

11 Surprising Mistakes You Might Be Making While Going To The Bathroom!!!


So what does the most ideal bathroom experience look like? “[Bowel movements] should be once or twice a day, be banana shaped, and of a consistency that you barely need toilet paper,” says nutritionist Lisa Mair.

Ideal stools like these are all thanks to a healthy lifestyle. “Eating a healthy, whole foods, plant-based diet, and staying hydrated makes elimination, quick, easy, neat, and pleasant.” Instead of, you know, a total struggle.

Barring some sort of extenuating circumstance — like being stuck on a bus — you should  “Every time you wait and hold it in, your colon reabsorbs more and more fluid from your stool,” says Lee. This causes your poop to become hardened, which can, in turn, lead to constipation and other health problems,

There exist a lucky few who wake up, poop, and go on with their day. For the rest of us, our poop schedule is a total guessing game. If this is your life, it can help to  such as first thing in the morning. “As soon as you wake up, drink two full glasses of water on an empty stomach. Leave about 20-30 minutes in between your water and breakfast. If your constipation isn’t too bad, you should be on the toilet in about 30-60 minutes,” Lee says. Do this every morning and it should create a routine,

Unlike most of the world, our Western-style toilets require us to sit when we really should be squatting to poop. “Some experts say that squatting reduces straining, anal fistulas, hemorrhoids, and constipation,” Lee says. It also makes it easier to poop. “Squatting helps the Puborectalis muscle to open, and allows for a more complete emptying.” To emulate the rest of the world

Fiber attracts water into your colon and helps flush everything through,” Mair says. “It also acts like a scrub brush for the intestines, keeping them sparkling clean.” Plan ahead and start eating more fiber — like vegetables and beans — and you should notice a big difference,

In the same vein, so stool can move easily through your intestines. If you don’t, Mair tells me you may struggle with constipation or hard-to-pass bowel movements. And that’s no fun,

Are you suddenly constipated? Or are there specks of blood in your stool? If you notice changes like these and don’t tell a doctor, you could be putting your health at risk. “In general, any noticeable change in one’s bowel movements is cause for concern,” says Dr. Andy Barnett

If you can, give yourself enough time each morning to wake up, drink some water, and go to the bathroom before you eat breakfast. “You will feel better, have a healthier gut, and be more regular if you allow yourself to have your first bowl movement of the day. “A cup of tea or coffee and maybe a piece of fruit are fine, but avoid heavier foods until after that trip to the restroom.”

I’m pretty sure we’re all guilty of sitting on the toilet, whipping out our phones, and relaxing while trying to poop. But this habit can lead to health problems

Of course your wipe after going to the bathroom. But it’s always a good idea to up your cleaning game. “I’m a big fan of chemical-free baby wipes for my first and last wipes,” says Kneuer. “In between I’ll use the softest two-ply toilet paper I can, but I always use baby wipes, too 

Ever sit down on the toilet and try to force yourself to go? If so, you’re not alone. “A lot of people strain themselves trying to go when they don’t have to,” says Abbey Sharp

As Sharp tells me, wiping too much — especially with rough toilet paper — can lead to micro-tears that could cause infection. So keep all that scraping to a minimum. If you’re eating a healthy diet and drinking enough water, it should only take a few swipes (and maybe a baby wipe) before you’re good to go.

If your bowel movements are healthy, the whole bathroom process should be quick and painless. But if you notice anything odd, or have a hard time passing stool.

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