Top 10 Deadly Habits Seriously Damaging Your Kidneys

These 2 bean-shaped organs, each about the size of a fist, have an important role in keeping your health and well-being at their best. In fact, kidneys help to filter the blood, detoxify the body, produce hormones, neutralize acids, absorb minerals, and more. In order to keep your body healthy, it’s crucial to take proper care of your kidneys.

You might think symptoms of kidney problems would be obvious. However, the diseases of the kidneys are also known as silent diseases. In fact, chronic kidney disease can be damaged for years before you start experiencing any symptoms.

Top 10 Deadly Habits Seriously Damaging Your Kidneys


Poor kidney function is associated with numerous health problems, including hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease. In fact, here are few signs that kidney problems include:

  • Frequent urination
  • Problems urinating
  • Constant thirst
  • Pain or burning sensation during urination

Here are 10 habits that seriously damage your kidneys:

1. Dehydration

Kidneys need enough water flow to work properly. Chronic dehydration leads to toxin buildup that the kidneys cannot easily eliminate.

2. Painkiller Abuse

The frequent use of painkillers may lead to severe damage of liver and kidneys.

3. Caffeine

Just like salt, caffeine can also raise your blood pressure and place lots of stress on your kidneys. 

4. Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol, in the eyes of our kidneys, is a harmful substance, so regular heavy drinking overworks the kidneys and leads to damage.

5. Excess Salt Intake

Your body needs salt to work properly, yet its excessive consumption raises blood pressure and puts a lot of pressure on the kidneys.

6. Excessive sugar consumption

The over-consumption of sugar endangers the health of the kidneys and decreases their functionality.

7. Too Much Animal Protein

Eating high amounts of meats, especially red meats, can be harmful to the kidneys, as it boosts the metabolic load on the kidneys, causing dysfunction and kidney damage.

8. Frequent ignoring of the urge to urinate

Retaining urine on a regular basis promotes urine pressure, and can eventually cause kidney disease, kidney stones, kidney failure, and incontinence.

9. Sleep Deprivation

Chronic sleep deprivation elevates the risk of kidney disease. Sleeping helps to coordinate the kidneys workload over 24 hours.

10. Vitamin And Mineral Deficiencies 

Vitamin and mineral deficiencies can damage your kidneys. Therefore, it’s crucial to optimize the levels of important nutrients, such as magnesium and potassium by eating a diet based on whole foods, and rich in veggies and fruits.

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