Aloe Vera Hair Pack For Fast Hair Growth

Aloe Vera Hair Pack For Fast Hair Growth

Grow Your Hair Extremely Long and Thick With Secret Aloe vera Hair Growth Pack. Also make your Hair Shiny and Soft with this secret pack.

This aloe vera hair pack is super effective that will help in hair regrowth and will also help you to de frizz your hair

Ingredients required
  • Aloe vera gel
  • Castor oil
  • Fenugreek powder
  • Vitamin E capsule

What to do:
  1. First remove fresh aloe vera gel from fresh aloe vera leaf and blend it
  2. Now take 1 cup of this blended aloe vera gel
  3. In this add 2 spoons of castor oil
  4. Add 2 spoons of fenugreek powder
  5. Add oil of 1 vitamin E capsule
  6. Mix it well and your hair pack is ready


Apply this pack all over your hair from roots to tips, cover it with shower cap and leave it overnight

Shampoo your hair next day

Castor oil will add volume to your hair and when added with aloe vera gel, helps you in hair regrowth

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