8 Best Fat Burning Foods

While there is always exercise to burn calories, you must be already aware that you can even do that without sweating too much through fat burning foods. After all, the very goal of your exercise is primarily burning the excessive fat in your body.

8 Best Fat Burning Foods


The good news is that you can include some very simple and easily available fat burning foods in your diet and they can make your body work round the clock to get rid of fat. Here is a look at the 8 best fat burning foods.

Oatmeal the Fat Burning Food

Oatmeal or simply oats is one of the best fat burning foods. Oats are harder to break down for the body because they are made up of complex carbohydrate molecules. This will help keep the sugars craving for hours. Besides, it is effective in regulating the metabolism and in preventing from heart disease and diabetes. However, oatmeal would only be effective if it is used in plain form and without sugary flavors.

Nuts the Fat Burning Food

Any kind of nuts is very effective in burning fats, while providing excellent nutrition and energy. Nuts are particularly very effective in curbing hunger, which makes you eat a lot less and maybe give your body a lot more breathing space for cutting down on fats.

Berries the Fat Burning Food

Any type of berries, especially blueberries and strawberries, are very effective in burning body fat and contributing to a slim tummy. Berries are very rich in fiber given their size and this can work wonders for your metabolism and stimulate fat and calorie burning.

Lean Meats the Fat Burning Food

Trying to cut down on fat does not necessarily mean that your body should be deprived of energy and that it should not find it from sources which you can indulge in. Lean meats are high in proteins and low in fats, which make them an excellent choice for your diet. Lean meats include fish, chicken, turkey and fillet steak. Lean meats include nutrients such as iron, vitamins and Omega-3 fatty acids, which will help build muscle mass, burn fats and boost immunity.

Beans and Legumes the Fat Burning Food

For the vegetarian, probably the richest protein source are beans and legumes along with dairy products. Beans and legumes are high in both fiber and protein and can help in burning down fat while delivering great energy and nutrition. Furthermore, beans and legumes are low in calories and saturated fats, though you should avoid consuming refried beans which are actually high in saturated fats.

Whole Grain the Fat Burning Food

Whole grains are different from other grain products because they retain the natural nutrients and fiber which the rest are stripped of. While whole grain can be beneficial for your general health, it can help burn fat because of the high fiber count. Furthermore, it will keep those hunger pangs from returning too soon. Let it be whole grain wheat, rice or pasta, it would prove a much healthier alternative to the regular ones.

Greens the Fat Burning Food

Greens such as broccoli, asparagus and other salad greens are proved food sources found effective in burning fats. Greens are high in vitamins and minerals and just Broccoli is among the richest sources of Vitamin C. Green such as spinach are also very high in fiber and low in calories, apart from offering rich nutrients and minerals such as iron, which could not only be good for your health but would keep you from overeating.

Eggs the Fat Burning Food

While you may not expect eggs to help burn fat in your body, these food sources are very helpful in doing so. Saint Louis University carried out a study in which people who consumed eggs in breakfast were found to lose more weight than the ones who preferred bagels. Eggs contain Vitamin A and B-12 and a lot of proteins, which promote good nutrition and help burn fat more effectively.

Eggs can also promote good cholesterol in your body. However, eggs can also be a risk factor if you have high blood cholesterol levels, so do consult your nutritionist before consuming. Only consuming egg whites could help in this regard.

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