7 Things The Color of Your Period Says About You

Periods, and most importantly, period blood are slowly becoming less taboo to society. Knowing what your period blood should look like might save you from very dangerous conditions. For example, the light pink color of your period may signal low estrogen levels and could be a signal of an approaching osteoporosis diagnosis later in life.

7 Things The Color of Your Period Says About You


We at Bright Side found out what your period blood color can tell you about your health and how to deal with it.

Pink-ish color

Pink-ish colored period blood may signify low estrogen levels. If you’re an avid runner, this could also be a reason for your menstrual blood to be light in color, as it’s been proven that playing sports, especially running, may cause the estrogen levels to drop.

It’s something to watch out for as some studies have found a connection between low estrogen and osteoporosis later in life.


Watery, almost without color or super-light-pink menstrual blood means you are either nutrient-deficient, or you could even have ovarian cancer. But don’t get too nervous, fallopian-tube cancer accounts for less than 2 percent of all gynecological cancers.

Dark brown

Dark brown or dark red may mean that some of the old blood has been “sitting” inside your uterus for too long.

Nobody knows why this happens, but this is considered to be a normal thing.

Thick and looks like jam with clots

Jam-like blood discharge during your period with dark red clots means that you might have low progesterone and high estrogen levels. Most of the time, it does not mean anything.

However, if the clots are large in size and there are many of them, it may mean you have a hormonal imbalance. Also, fibroids in your uterus could be the cause. This condition should not scare you though.


Orange color, similar to the gray-red mix may mean you have an infection. Nevertheless, a stinky smell and severe pains will supplement this if it’s an STD/STI infection.

Now, you already know what the color of your period blood reveals about your health. Maybe it’s now the time to make an appointment with your gynecologist. Share this with your girl friends and family members for them to become aware too!

Cranberry Red Color

The cranberry colored blood throughout your period is measured to be healthy and great. But it must be distinguished that what is normal for one person may not be the case for another.

Thus, scheduling an appointment with a doctor frequently is a good thing to do.

Bright red blood

Bright red menstrual blood is most typical in the beginning of your cycle, since it indicates that your uterine lining is shedding new blood at a fast rate.

If it turns up at a different point in your cycle or is accompanied by abnormal cramping, there’s a small chance it indicates a miscarriage or ruptured ovarian cyst, but you’re most likely fine, says Charlery White.


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