7 Body Signals It’s Better Not to Be Ignored By Those Who Want to Stay Healthy


7 Body Signals It’s Better Not to Be Ignored By Those Who Want to Stay Healthy

Health is wealth. As long as your body can function properly, nothing or no one can stop you from doing and achieving what you want. However, sometimes we take our ever-working bodies for granted, not realizing that they too suffer the consequences of our particular lifestyles. In these moments, our bodies give out certain signals to let us know that everything is not okay. Paying attention to these signs can save you from fatal consequences. Here are 7 such signs your body gives out, which you should never ignore if you want good health:

1. Weight changes

7 Body Signals It’s Better Not to Be Ignored By Those Who Want to Stay Healthy

Checking your weight is important. But you should keep in mind that drastic weight loss isn't always something to be happy about, just like an additional 5-10 lb isn't always the result of late-night snacking. The reasons for sudden changes in weight can be different:

  • Thyroid gland disorders make your thyroid produce too many or not enough hormones, which can result in drastic weight changes. See an endocrinologist to test the level of thyroid-stimulating hormones. In some cases, a doctor can prescribe a thyroid biopsy.
  • Not getting enough sleep can be another reason. Since your body perceives not getting enough sleep as stress, it starts to store fat. Therefore, it's important to set your own regime and sleep no less than 8 hours per night.
  • Weight fluctuation can also be caused by a hormonal disbalance which is especially noticeable before the beginning of the menstruation cycle. In this case, it's recommended to see a gynecologist and check your hormone levels.

2. Edema

7 Body Signals It’s Better Not to Be Ignored By Those Who Want to Stay Healthy

If you notice weight gain and swollen legs, feet, and fingers at the end of the day, then you may have edema. The reasons for edema can be different:

  • Swollen facial features and puffy eyes in the morning can indicate problems with the kidneys. It's important to see a urologist and to get an ultrasound of the entire urinary system.
  • The second reason for edemas can be high blood pressure and problems with the heart. Take note of your blood pressure to keep it under control and visit a cardiologist to check your heart.
  • If you notice protruding veins on your legs, then it's likely that your edema is connected with varicose veins. In this case, we recommend that you see a phlebologist to check the condition of your veins.

3. Bruises on the body

7 Body Signals It’s Better Not to Be Ignored By Those Who Want to Stay Healthy

If bruises keep appearing on your body quite often without any reasons for it, then it's a sign that something in your body isn't working properly. Bruises can appear for different reasons, such as vitamin deficiency or blood-related diseases.

  • The lack of vitamin C, for example, can lead to issues with your metabolism which can cause the appearance of bruises. In this case, doctors recommend to diversify your nutrition and to include products that contain vitamin C.
  • Vasculitis can be another reason for bruises on your body. This disease causes the walls of the vessels to become inflamed and, eventually, destroyed. Visit a doctor or a phlebologist and get a general blood test done.

  • A reduction in the formation of thrombocytes (the cells responsible for blood clotting) and their rapid disintegration can lead to the appearance of bruises and this disease is called thrombocytopenia. In this case, we recommend that you see a doctor as soon as possible.

4. The condition of the tongue

7 Body Signals It’s Better Not to Be Ignored By Those Who Want to Stay Healthy

The color of your tongue can indicate the presence of different diseases, as well. Sometimes, there can even be a white layer on the tongue and it can be either thin or thick. If it is thin and there are no issues with your internal organs, then there is nothing to worry about since even healthy people have it. However, if it is thick, then you should see a doctor and check your health as soon as possible.

  • A white layer signifies that there are digestion issues. If your tongue is always white and you frequently experience stomachaches, you should see a gastroenterologist as soon as possible.
  • Issues with the liver or gallbladder can cause the tongue to turn yellow and become covered with a very thick layer. Additionally, a bitter taste can appear in your mouth. As in the other cases, we recommend that you visit a doctor if you notice these symptoms.
  • A greyish-yellowish layer on the tongue appears when there are chronic diseases of the intestines or when the body is dehydrated. Again, you should immediately see a gastroenterologist.

5. The whites of the eyes

7 Body Signals It’s Better Not to Be Ignored By Those Who Want to Stay Healthy

The color of the whites of your eyes can tell you a lot about your health. Their normal color is white, while yellow or red eyes are signs of a pathology. If you notice any changes in the color of the whites of your eyes, you should see a doctor immediately to get the correct treatment. Here is what those color changes can mean:

  • The whites of the eyes can turn yellow if the liver is damaged.
  • Red or yellow whites can be caused by infectious or specific eye diseases.
  • The whites of the eyes can turn red or yellow after sitting in front of a computer for a long time or after an intense physical workout. In this case, gymnastics for the eyes can be of great help.

6. Nails

7 Body Signals It’s Better Not to Be Ignored By Those Who Want to Stay Healthy

Changes in the color of your nails and in their condition may be cause for concern. Normally, nails are smooth, even, slightly convex, and have the same color. If you notice that your nails are deformed or have changed in color, there can be several reasons for this:

  • If yellow, brown, or black spots and stripes start to appear in the nail, it is a signal of a fungi infection also known as onychomycosis. It's important to see a dermatologist – he will detect the type of fungus and will prescribe the correct treatment.

  • Keep in mind that a deficiency of vitamins D, B1, calcium, and iron can deform your nails too.

  • White spots on nails, breakage, and small dents can also be a sign of rheumatism. Remember to visit a dermatologist to find out the reason for the deformation.

7. Gums

7 Body Signals It’s Better Not to Be Ignored By Those Who Want to Stay Healthy

If healthy gums suddenly become red or swollen, then it's an alarming signal. Weak and sick gums are a sign of various diseases in the mouth cavity. Here are some of them:

  • Gingivitis is a disease when the mucous membrane is inflamed around a particular tooth. This causes the gums to bleed and you may experience painful reactions to cold and hot food.
  • Periodontitis is another gum disease where the tissue detaches itself from the tooth and leaves a pocket where food leftovers can get stuck. The remaining food and the disease, in general, can cause different edemas and inflammations.

  • Periodontal disease causes a slow decay of the gums. The teeth roots become uncovered and stay unprotected while the cracks between the teeth become enlarged. We highly recommend that you visit a dentist or periodontist if any of these symptoms have been detected.

Do you check your body at home? If yes, what signs do you usually pay attention to? Share with us in the comments!

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