7 The best way to reduce belly fat, easy to try

7 The best way to reduce belly fat, easy to try

There are many people who have a distended stomach, especially those of you who are obese. Not only a disturbing appearance, but a distended stomach is also associated with several types of diseases. Therefore, try a number of ways to shrink a distended stomach.

Fat that accumulates in the stomach is quite difficult to reduce, but that does not mean it is impossible. You only need to do regular exercise and pay attention to the healthy diet that you consume every day.

In order for maximum results, you need to be disciplined about how to deal with a distended stomach. Otherwise, the goal of having a flat stomach can be achieved over a longer period of time. So, so that the stomach doesn't become bloated, let's follow some of the following tips to shrink the stomach.


Consume Fiber

Try to include foods that contain lots of fiber in your diet. Eating fibrous foods can make you feel fuller for longer. Not only that, fibrous foods can also improve the function of the digestive system.

Increase Protein Intake

Not only fiber, you also need to increase your protein intake. Medical News Today (medicalnewstoday.com) says that protein can keep you full longer. In addition, protein is also responsible for building muscle.

The results of a study conducted in 2012 showed that participants who ate a high protein diet had less abdominal fat. Some types of high fiber foods are eggs, milk, or beef.

Do Aerobic Exercise

The next way to shrink a distended stomach that you should try is aerobic exercise. According to one study, aerobic exercise can reduce the amount of fat in the body even though you don't reduce your calorie intake.

How to get rid of a distended stomach you can do by eating foods that contain monounsaturated fats. There are many types of food that you can consume, such as avocado, sesame oil, and peanut butter. However, make sure to consume them without artificial sweeteners, yes.

If you are looking for a way to reduce your stomach naturally, then drinking water is the answer. Try to drink one glass of water before eating to avoid overeating. So that the taste is not monotonous, you can add a few slices of your favorite fruit in plain water.

Enough Sleep Time

The next way to shrink a distended stomach is to get enough sleep. Launching Medical News Today, lack of sleep affects the production of hormones that regulate hunger and appetite. Therefore, always try to get quality sleep time.

Reduce Stress

Reducing stress can be one way to shrink the stomach, lo. When stressed, the body will produce the hormone cortisol which makes appetite increase. Try to do various activities so that stress is more controlled. For example, writing a journal, yoga, meditation, or doing a hobby.

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