5 Natural Colon Cleanse And Weight Loss Drinks

Do you constantly experience constipation or (IBM) irregular bowel movements? This may lead to waste build-up on the walls of the colon.

5 Natural Colon Cleanse And Weight Loss Drinks


The colon performs vital functions, besides stimulating the stool removal it may also extract salt and water from waste before discharging, balance pH, and fights harmful bacteria. The irregular bowel movement can cause severe health concerns like gallbladder stones, skin allergies, heart complications. Some studies have shown that performing a regular colon cleanse is a simple step to avoid colon problems. Following natural homemade drinks will help you cleanse your colon and lose weight. 


Easy Homemade Colon Cleanse Drinks

Ginger-Apple-Spinach-Carrot Smoothie

Ginger is a wholesome root that contains antibacterial properties and stimulates digestion. Mixed with any other juice or can prove goodness to your health.

  •    ginger (peeled) – 1 tbsp
  •    apple (sliced) – 1
  •    spinach – 1 cup
  •    carrot (sliced) –

Combine and blend all ingredients with single-cup water and there you go, Your smoothie is now ready. Take it once a daily to support the proper work of the intestinal tract.

Apple-Lemon Drink

Lemons and apples are both powerful antioxidants and loaded nutrients that stimulate digestion like vitamins A and C &, and Fiber. You can make a refreshing drink for kickstart of your day from these fruits:

  • Take half cup apple Juice, add 2 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice and a tsp of grated ginger.
  • Mix all the ingredients in half cup of warm water.

You can take this natural mixture once daily to help detoxify the colon and support proper digestion.

Apple Cider Vinegar Drink

Raw apple cider vinegar can also help in flushing out waste from your body while holding the good bacteria. It can be drunk along with 2 teaspoons of honey to support the digestive system and cleanse your colon.

  • Mix unfiltered apple cider vinegar and honey in equal quantities, ex. 2 tablespoons
  • Pour single cup water and take it once every day in a period of 1 week. It will not only eliminate the toxins but holds many other benefits like diabetes prevention and lowering LDL cholesterol.

Sea Salt & Water

Water is the most important body detoxifier. A dehydrated colon is an ideal spot for the toxins build-up. Therefore, you should consume at least 8 glasses of water every day to ensure the proper functioning of the colon.

  • The method for this drink is very simple. Just add a single teaspoon of sea salt into 1/2 liter water and take it before breakfast. Salt and water drink can encourage regular bowel movement and improves digestion.

 Flax Seeds and Chia

Both chia seeds and flax seeds are high in fiber and Omega 3 acids that ease inflammation in the colon and eliminate the toxins built-up.

  • Pour a tablespoon of chia seeds into cup water and let it soak for 5-10 mins, for the fiber to reach its optimum level by absorbing the water
  • Combine the mixture with 1 cup of yogurt

Take this drink 3-4 times daily for about two weeks to cleanse your intestinal tract.


Performing a colon cleanse is very important because it doesn’t only discharge bacteria and promotes digestion, but also improves weight loss and prevents numerous diseases. If you like our colon cleanse drink selection, please share this with your friends on Pinterest.

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