This Super Vitamin Will Protect You From Shingles And Chickenpox!

Shingles or zoster or herpes zoster is a condition of which approximately one million people in America suffer from. The most affected persons from this health condition are the ones recovered from chickenpox, including children. The chances for catching this infection rise with age; in fact half of all cases of shingles are men and women over 60.

This Super Vitamin Will Protect You From Shingles And Chickenpox!


There are groups of people who are at higher risk of developing shingles like the ones who have weak immune system as a result of lymphoma, leukemia, HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), people who use drugs that suppress the immunity such as steroids and medicines that are taken after a conducted transplantation.

Usually this condition occurs only once in a lifetime, but some people report a second or third time.

Prevent Shingles by Using Vitamin C

As mentioned before shingles develop in people with weak immune system, and because of that the use of vitamin C is the best protection as this vitamin is known for its immunity boost. Plus, the consumption of vitamin C can slightly reduce the duration of a cold and its seriousness.

There are vaccines for this illness, but they have not shown to be one hundred percent efficient. The vaccine was successful only with 51% of all patients, which is a low percentage considering the side effects that can cause this vaccine. Here are some of them:

  • Headaches
  • Skin rashes
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Breathing issues
  • Sore throat
  • Swollen glands

So, when you compare these negative effects with the positive effects of the vitamin C you will see how this vitamin can be extremely effective in the fight against this disease.

Useful Strategies to Protect Your Body from Shingles

Here it is what Harvard University recommends regarding the prevention of this illness, and how to maintain good immunity:

  • Get enough rest
  • Make sure not to get overweight
  • Quit smoking
  • Consume alcohol moderately
  • Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, and grains
  • Exercise regularly
  • Regular checkup of your blood pressure

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