Dr Oz Tips – Take These Vitamins to Stop Hair Loss & Boost Hair Growth

So what’s the ultimate hair loss supplement recommendation from Dr Oz?

So far, we have been sharing useful tips and information from Dr Oz interviews and episodes on healthy hair growth (see our latest “Full Hair” editorial.

Dr Oz Tips – Take These Vitamins to Stop Hair Loss & Boost Hair Growth


Dr Oz on female hair loss solutions

Here, we will give you the ultimate summary of what he recommends for female hair loss vitamins and why each one is important for your healthy hair growth.

Here are Dr Oz’s recommended supplements for thinning hair issues:

#1: Black currant seed oil

We recently shared a detailed article about black currant oil for hair loss. Black currant seed oil is packed with amazing nutritional compounds including Vitamin C, Omega 3 and Omega 6, and Polyphenols.

Some highlights includes:

  • Black currant has 3 TIMES MORE Vitamin C than oranges
  • Black currant has 2 TIMES MORE Omega 6 gamma-linolenic acid than evening primrose oil
  • Black currant has polyphenols, which are also found in green tea. A recent study indicates that polyphenols play an important role in stimulating new hair growth (read here for more detail about the polyphenols research for hair loss).

#2: Fish oil

Fish oil is a natural source of Omega 3 fatty acids, which our body requires for various health functions including cell repair and maintenance, hair follicle stimulation and proper development. This essential fatty acid also has both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which are crucial for health of your scalp and healthy hair growth.

In the previous Dr Oz hair loss episode, he recommended taking both black currant oilalong with with fish oil for treating thinning hair.

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