In this post, I’m going to share with you the 7 best spices and herbs that you can use in order to lose weight fast.
I will share some of the best homemade spices and herbs that you can add to your healthy recipes.
Before we get started, lets first take a look at why these healthy herbs and spices are growing in popularity.
Why Using Spices And Herbs for Weight Loss Is Growing In Popularity
People Hate Exercising
Although exercising is very crucial when it comes to staying fit and healthy, people tend to gravitate towards alternate options for weight loss.
One of those options is to use supplements such as spices and herbs, which is by the way a great alternative.
Although I’m not a fan of replacing exercise by supplementing spices and herbs, I’m more into using them together with one as an addition.
So, don’t replace exercise with supplements, just do both in order to reach your goal faster.
It’s Easy To Make
And No!, I don’t mean planting them in any place, all I mean is that it is easy to make drink supplements using spices and herbs.
In fact, it takes a few minutes to make and a few minutes for the drink to cool down and be consumable.
Some of them can also be added to other recipes different from drinks. Which brings me to my next point.
You Have Enough Room To Experiment
What this means is that you can add some of the spices in different food recipes for breakfast, and dinner.
You are only limited by your imagination. But don’t get too carried away though because you might not like the taste that comes after.
Just be gentle and also know that you can add some of them together in 1 recipe.
Enough about that, let’s take a look at the best spices and herbs that you can use to boost your weight loss.
The 7 Best Spices And Herbs For Weight Loss
#1 Ginger
Ginger is arguably the most famous one on this list which means that it is the one that is commonly used a lot. If you are one of those that use ginger a lot, then you’ll be glad to hear the following.
Ginger contains antioxidants. These antioxidant properties are known to be able to prevent heart disease, cancer, symptoms of aging, and other things like neurodegenerative diseases.
It can also help you lose weight when used together with a healthy diet. Since ginger can help you feel full for longer when consumed with hot water, this means that you can easily decrease your overall calorie intake.
You can consume
ginger in a form of hot tea and get incredible weight loss results.#2 Cayenne Pepper
I’ve used cayenne pepper for a very long time without knowing that it has so many benefits.
Cayenne pepper is known to be able to boost metabolism. Cayenne pepper contains metabolism-boosting property known as the Capsaicin.
This property helps your body increase the amount of heat it needs to burn more calories through the process known as the diet-induced thermogenesis, thus giving a boost to your metabolism.
#3 Cinnamon
Another one on my list of spices and herbs that boost weight loss is cinnamon. It is known as one of those delicious spices. But deliciousness is not the only benefit that comes with this spice.
If you’re looking for something loaded with antioxidants, then cinnamon is another great place to take a look at. That is because cinnamon is loaded with antioxidants that can protect your body from oxidative damage caused by the free radicals.
Not only that, but cinnamon can also help you lose visceral fats which means that it promotes weight loss.
If you’re looking for a weight loss drink that contains cinnamon and can help you lose weight, you can check this one out.
#4 Turmeric
When it comes to turmeric, well it is known to have anti-inflammatory properties. What this means is that turmeric can help reduce inflammation.
Inflammation is known to be greatly linked with excessive fat deposition in the body.
Turmeric can also help relieve stomach disorders and reduce bloating and improve your bowel movements.
This means that it is good to fight belly bloat and belly fat.
#5 Black Pepper
Glass pepper shaker on wooden background in cafe, tropical island Bali.
The black pepper spice is one of the most commonly used spices. in fact, it’s in the same league as ginger when it comes to popularity.
Some even call it the king of spices because of the benefits it has on our bodies.
First of all, it aids weight loss. This is because it contains something called phytonutrients. These weird nutrients are known to be able to break down excess fats.
Black pepper is also known to be able to detoxify your body and also cleanse your intestines and stomach.
When it comes to skin wrinkles and deformation, black pepper can also help you prevent that. It is also known as the de-aging spice.
#6 Peppermint
Peppermint is not just only used for flavoring toothpaste, it also has some benefits for the body as well.
Those who are suffering from having very low energy levels or day time fatigue, peppermint can help them increase their energy levels using its natural compound.
And since peppermint tea is calorie-free, drinking it will not only give you good breath but also help you lose some weight.
#7 Garlic
Last on the list of spices and herbs for weight loss, we have garlic. One of the most nutritious vegetables.
It contains fiber, selenium, vitamin B3, vitamin C, and manganese. It is also very low in calories.
The active compound found in garlic is also known to be able to reduce blood pressure. This means that it can reduce cardiovascular diseases like heart attacks.
Garlic can also help boost your energy levels responsible for burning excess fats and calories to help you stay fit and healthy.
You Still Need A Way To Keep Off That Lost Weight!
If you really want to lose weight, then you need to take things seriously. Thankfully, I have created a short but straight to the point guide called The 3 Step Guide To Rapid Weight Loss.
What I think makes this guide stand out is the simplicity it gives to my clients. The feedback they give after using for few weeks always puts a smile on my face.
They report losing an average of 10 to 20 pounds in a month or less after using the Custom Keto Diet plan found within the guide.