7 Days of Romantic Messages For Wife – Make Her Love You Again 7 Days Challenge

7 Romantic Messages for Her Do you know what’s the most surprising reason to create these 7 romantic messages for your wife? It’s because I can see you need it. Ever since I created the post with 77 ways to love your wife, I saw that men really look for different ways to show their special lady they love her.

7 Days of Romantic Messages For Wife – Make Her Love You Again 7 Days Challenge


And I admire this. But do you know what’s shocking? Many women forget that their men love them and feel abandoned, ignored, and alone. At the same time, their husbands struggle to look for ways to show that they are still there, loving and appreciating them. If you feel like your wife doesn’t see or appreciate your love, it could be because you speak different love languages. The 7 romantic messages I’ve prepared for her will help you reach her and let her know that you are still madly in love with her.

Because you are, right? Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you sign up or make a purchase I might get a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting my business. See full disclosure.


How To Download the 7 Romantic Messages For Her?

Click here or the photo below, enter your email and your name and you will have instant access to the messages.

Print and cut them out. Keep it all secret from your wife. The goal is to be surprised.

The messages are in a specific order, starting with a shorter message and ending with a cheesy one – trust me, she’ll love it.

What to Do After That?

In the next 7 days hide one message per day somewhere she could easily find it. Here are some example places, if you wonder:

  • Her lunch box – wrap the message in a foil, so it doesn’t mess with the food and place it on top of it so that she could see it immediately.
  • Her purse – choose the compartment with the coins as it’s going to grab her attention faster.
  • In a pocket of her jacket.
  • The bathroom mirror or the mirror she usually uses when applies makeup.
  • Her phone case – fold the message and stick it to the case with tape.
  • Inside her car.
  • Stick it to her coffee mug, so that’s the first thing she sees.

I would advise you not to be around when she finds it, in this way, she would have a moment to wonder what’s going on and to enjoy the notes without having to control her emotions. Whatever you choose, don’t just hand the messages to her. Let her find them.

A Small Extra Tip

If you want to reach the top of the romantic gestures, here’s what you could after you give her all romantic notes.

The last note is especially meaningful for married couples.

It mirrors the idea of staying together forever, and even if that scares you, it excites your wife. Get her a small gift, place it in a shiny box, and stick the last romantic message on top of it. Leave the gift box on the table for her to find it, or next to her pillow (if you leave the house before her in the morning).

What Should You Expect

There are many ways a woman could react to all that attention.

She could be suspicious, shocked, maybe a little bit ironical (if you are going through a rough period in your marriage). She might not jump or run in your arms.

But She Will Love It.

No matter her reaction, she will love your little notes. These notes won’t fix your marriage problems, but they will help you remember that you actually love each other.

And if you are in the middle of your honeymoon phase, the romantic messages could only make things even pinker.

So, go ahead and grab your copy of these romantic messages for your precious wife right now. Bring the romance back and fall in love with each other even more.

Don’t Stop There

Whatever happens, don’t stop in the middle of the week. Go through all 7 days and gift her all 7 expressions of your love for her. She will appreciate it, and you will see it.

She will smile a little bit more, she will laugh a little bit louder, and she will have that cute sparkle in her eyes you love to see.

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