7 Fitness Myths That Are Harmful

Health and fitness regimes are plagued with myths that make it hard to discern which one to follow and which one to not. These myths dictate the food that you should eat, the workout regime you should follow and pretty much everything related to fitness. But, one can’t base their lifestyle on the foundation of fables. These myths should be taken with a grain of salt ( and some common sense, if you will). And when it comes to matters of health, one has to be extremely cautious about the habits, diet or medications they adopt one wrong call can cost you your life. It’s better to rely on healthcare practitioners and verified sources to get your daily dose of health updates to be on a safer side.

7 Fitness Myths That Are Harmful

While it’s okay to be a fitness freak, you need to know where to draw the line. This post will help you draw that line in the sand. Here’s a list of 10 common myths surrounding health and fitness that are actually harmful to you.

1. People Gain Weight Due To Overeating

People, who are obese or tend to appear on the heavier side, are often mistaken for having a voracious appetite. The truth is obesity is not due to over-consumption of food, but many a time it’s because of an underlying issue like hormonal imbalance, genetic inheritance, nutrient deficiency, digestion issue, slow metabolic rate or even depression.

So, to all the folks who are trying to size down, before starting a diet plan, instead of starving yourself, consult a dietician.

2. Skip Fats And Oily Food To Lose Weight

Well, a popular notion spread via old wives’ tale is to avoid ghee, butter, and oily food items to shed those extra pounds. Some people even avoid milk. That’s because they suspect poor milk to be the cause of weight gain. To be honest, no food, in particular, leads to weight gain. Moderation is the key here. Depriving yourself of certain foods that are essential for a balanced diet can increase the odds of gaining weight. Our body needs varieties of food which can it with vital nutrients such as vitamins, minerals (iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, copper), fats like the good cholesterol, carbohydrates, and proteins. But, no single food item can be the provider of all the nutrients. Ergo, it is essential to eat everything in moderation.

3. Oily And Spicy Food Is The Root Cause Of Acne

Acne is essentially a medical condition caused due to the imbalance in the hormone levels in your body. Blaming a certain food item to be its root cause is a folly. Since each person is unique and has their own body chemistry and biology, it is vital to understand that compromising on food consumption may actually lead to a secondary condition of malnutrition or mineral deficiency.

So before becoming self-claimed doctors and start self-medicating, always remember to consult a qualified doctor for the same.

4. Drinking Water Helps To Lose Weight

You would have heard many fitness gurus and health enthusiasts telling you about the benefits of drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. However, the truth is, listen to your body. So, don’t just be a blind follower of what you hear or see. Understand your body and its specific needs. Chart out a plan that’s suitable for you, not for others. Not only drinking water but also a balanced diet coupled with exercise and a calm mind help to lose weight.

5. Solving Crosswords Is The Best Exercises For Your Brain

This is not true. Crosswords, riddles or other alternate forms of exercise are not the only way for brain development. Physical exercises are much more effective as they enhance both, the body and brain’s performance.. Exercises that improve blood flow are always better than plonking yourself on the couch to solve riddles. Physical activity can significantly improve a person’s mood, boost their memory function, and prevent them from an early onset of dementia. So, instead of being a couch potato, adopt agility in your daily routine.

6. Skipping Exercise For A Week Is Fine

The body, unfortunately, does not function in this manner. Just like all our everyday chores, exercising should be made a regular affair. It’s simple, you snooze, you lose, folks! The idea is to burn at least half the calories of what you consume in a day. Else, see yourself sliding to the higher side of the weighing scale.


7. Exercise On An Empty Stomach, Preferably Mornings

Many people believe that hitting the gym right after they wake up is going to help them stay in shape. It is advisable to eat a fruit or at least a small portion of carbs before you hit the gym to refuel your body with food. Since there’s a long gap of 8-10 hours after the last meal, the body needs some food before it’s put to task. It is necessary to eat something before you engage in strenuous activities in order to avoid hypoglycemic shock or falls. The hypoglycemic shocks happen due to exhaustion, i.e., empty stomach and lack of energy so consumption of a light meal is a better way to begin your day, followed by proper breakfast after your workout session.

It’s not necessary to go for morning sessions only. You can go any time of the day whenever you feel comfortable. The thumb rule is to keep a minimum of half an hour break between your workout session and meals.

We’re sure that you have come across these popular myths before, but be wise to not fall for them. Chalk out a routine for yourself based on how your body reacts to workouts and diets. One size doesn’t fit everybody, so see what works best for you! What are some of the myths that you have busted, let us know in the comments below.

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