You’ll Never Belive What This Point On Your Ear Can Do.Press Once And Wow

Nowadays, many people are looking towards alternative medicine when treating illnesses. Commonly prescribed pills are not only packed with chemicals, but often come with serious side effects.

You’ll Never Belive What This Point On Your Ear Can Do.Press Once And Wow

If you don't like the idea of swallowing another pill and are looking to slowly expand your horizons, you should know that there are many alternative routes, including acupuncture. According to this Chinese form of alternative medicine, there is a specific point on the human ear that acts as a gateway to general wellness: the Shen Men, which translates to "heavenly gate." Practiced in China for centuries, pressing this point on the external ear can help to relieve stress, anxiety, allergies, headaches, addiction, inflammation, depression, and pain.

You can stimulate the Shen Men by pinching the point on your upper ear between your index finger and thumb.

Moving your fingers in a circular motion, massage this point one to two times a day for about a minute.

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