What are Eggshell Nails? – How to Treat Them?

Nail health is one of the important factors that defines your neurological and internal health. Although, it is true that nail health cannot define your physical health but somewhere it does define some important aspects of your internal health.

What are Eggshell Nails? – How to Treat Them?

Eggshell nail is a condition of your nails that causes them to appear thin, white, and brittle like that of an eggshell. The appearance of nails is influenced by traumas, underlying diseases, and hormonal imbalances. There are several disorders of the nails that cause them to suffer heavily. This condition is called “hapalonychia”. One of the main reasons that lead to the development of Eggshell nails is ‘malnutrition’. Malnutrition or improper diet leads to brittle and weak nails.

The nail matrix that is responsible for the development of the nail plate rests on the dermis and epidermis layers. The factors that determine the nail width and length are the thickness, size, and length of the nail matrix. The dermis and epidermis layers are in turn attached to the lymph vessels, muscles, and bones. Therefore, any kind of abnormal functioning of any these leads to several nails disorders.

However, you need not worry about it anymore. Here are some simple ways that will help you get rid of eggshell nails:

1) Balanced Diet:

As mentioned above, malnutrition is the primary cause of eggshell nails. In order, to treat this condition it is important that one consumes a balanced diet. A proper diet that includes several vitamins and minerals has to be taken along with supplements of Cod liver oil and vitamin B12.

2) Iron deficiency:

Iron deficiency can also lead to thin, brittle, and ugly nails. Therefore, make sure you consume food items that are rich in iron.

3) Vitamins:

Apart from a balanced diet and iron, it is also important that you include food items that are rich in Vitamin A, C, and B12 in your regular diet. Citrus fruits and other leafy vegetables are not to be missed!

4) Moisturize:

I’m sure you’ve already heard about how moisturizing your skin and body plays an important role to keep them hydrated. Similarly, dryness of nails should be avoided by applying moisturizer frequently. This helps in keeping your nails hydrated and prevents it from breaking off.

5) Salon Treatments:

Make sure you inform your nail stylist about the condition of your nails and get it cleaned often. This helps in preventing the development of any bacterial and fungal infections.

6) Medications:

If the conditions of your nails get worse and do not improve in a long time, it is recommended to visit a doctor. Visit your dermatologist or family physician to get it checked. Medications are one of the effective ways to get rid of your long term eggshell nails.

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