6 Things That Cause Fluid Retention In Your Body And How To Avoid Them

6 Things That Cause Fluid Retention In Your Body And How To Avoid Them


Accumulated water in the tissues, caused by the imbalance in the liquid levels in the body is called fluid retention.

Yet, fluid retention is most often a result of the following causes:


The insufficient intake of water dehydrates the body, which in order to survive retains water and thus causes swellings in the tissues.

Excessive sodium intake

The excessive intake of sodium and the reduced water intake often cause fluid retention.

Vitamin B6 deficiency

Fluid retention is often a result of the lack of vitamin B6 in the body, so make sure you consume more bananas, tuna, potatoes, sunflower seeds, pistachios, or chicken, which are the best sources of this vitamin.

Magnesium deficiency

For our overall healthmagnesium is one of the vital minerals. One might suffer from fluid retention if its levels are low. Therefore, the richest sources of this mineral include spinach, avocado, nuts, dried fruits, and whole grains.

Potassium deficiency

As one of its roles is to regulate the water balance in the bodypotassium deficiency often causes improper functioning organs and fluid imbalance and retention.

Processed foods

Processed foods are high in sodium and sugar, which are among the main edema causes. To prevent fluid retentionthese are some of the most effective ways:

  • As they are rich in flavonoids, which eliminate the excess water from the bodyconsume more vegetables and fruits
  • Exercise regularly to boost the circulation in the legs, by compressing the muscles in the veins and helping the excess fluids to leave the body through urine and sweat
  • Elevate the legs to rest themto reduce the swelling, and to accelerate the movement of fluids.
  • Reduce the intake of salt
  • Avoid showering with too hot water to prevent dehydration
  • Do not wear tight clothes as they might impair the circulation.

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