7 Cancer Causing Foods You Should Stop Eating

Food plays a very important role in the health of all people. There are healthy foods that offer important health benefits and act as protectors of the body against different diseases. However, there are also many unhealthy foods, which can give the body dangerous consequences that can cause diseases as serious as cancer.

Carcinogenic foods are present in many diets and many people are still unaware of the harm they are causing to their own health by consuming them. In this article, we will reveal 7 such highly carcinogenic foods, which must be cut from your diet.

7 Cancer Causing Foods You Should Stop Eating


1. Microwave Popcorn

Many people enjoy eating popcorn while watching their favorite movie. However, it is a much better and healthier option to make your own popcorn at home in ghee or coconut oil. By this you can turn popcorns into e healthy snack but only if you are using organic popcorn kernels. Also, you should avoid buying popcorn at the movie theaters because they contain buttering agent which is a possible cancer-former.

Cancer-Causing Agent: Perfluorooctanoic acid is created during the microwave process from substances found on the inside of the bags.

2. Beef Jerky

This snack contains nitrites which can lead to the development of cancer. These substances are found in many other foods but beef jerky has much more of them per ounce than many other foods.

Therefore, you should make your own beef jerky using grass-fed ground beef rolled out thin using a rolling pin, and baked in the oven for hours at the lowest temperature.

Cancer-Causing Agent: Nitrites found in beef jerky are associated with cancer development, and they are added to give the jerky its color and also to keep it fresh for months.

3. Canned Foods

It has been long discussed whether BPAs contained in canned foods can cause cancer and whether these substances are transferred to the food that the cans contain. Therefore, you should opt for fresh or frozen food, or buy canned food which is BPA-free.

Cancer-Causing Agent: Bisphenol-A .

4. GMO Foods

GMO treated food contains herbicides and pesticides which have been shown to cause cancer and lead to development of many other diseases. These chemicals cannot be rinsed off before eating. Try to consume 100% organic foods, or the food that has the “Non-GMO Project Verified” seal on it to make sure your food is GMO free.

Cancer-Causing Agent: herbicides and pesticides.

5. Cola

Cola contains High Fructose Corn Syrup which gives the soda its brown color. This chemical has proven to feed the cancer cells that you currently have in your body.

Cancer-Causing Agent: 4-MI (4-methylimidazole) which is directly linked to cancer development in thousands of individuals.

6. Diet Foods

Generally, diet foods contain artificial sweeteners which are associated with cancer development. Moreover, these substances have toxic effect on the body.

Cancer-Causing Agent: Aspartame which is the most commonly used artificial sweetener and it has been linked to cancer development for years. However, FDA claims that there is no sufficient evidence to support this theory.

7. Fried Snacks

Fried snacks are absolutely delicious, but carcinogenic as well. These snacks have previously been deep fried, just like French fries, in order to make it crispy . During this process there is a formation of cancer-causing substances which eventually we consume.

Cancer-Causing Agent: Glycidamide, a metabolic product of Acrylamide, a substance produces from frying foods at high temperatures. This substance is considered as highly carcinogenic.

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