Colour Your Hair Naturally At Home – 100 % Natural Burgundy Colour With Henna

Today I am sharing How To Colour Your Hair Naturally At Home.

Many people’s wants to colour their hair with extra colored tint like burgundy , red, maroon etc., but they dnt want to use chemicals or dyes .

Colour Your Hair Naturally At Home – 100 % Natural Burgundy Colour With Henna


SO, I am sharing natural way to colour your hair burgundy or red with natural ingredients. 100 % Natural Burgundy Colour With Henna pack

For this hair pack you will need

  • Henna powder, as per your hair length
  • Amla powder
  • Beetroot juice
  • Egg (Optional)

What to do:

  1. Take henna powder in a bowl
  2. Add 2 spoons of amla powder
  3. Mix it well
  4. Now add beetroot juice slowly in this powder until you get smooth lump free paste
  5. Cover it and leave it overnight
  6. Next day add 1 egg in this (It is optional) and mix it well

Your pack is ready, apply this mask all over your tangled hair. Cover with shower cap and leave it for 2 hours

After 2 hours rinse your hair with plain water and let it dry. Apply oil on your dry hair and leave it for 1 night. You can shampoo your hair next day

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