What Damage Can 15 Minutes on The Toilet Do To Your Body

You’re trying to fill up your time on the toilet? Yeah, say no more, you’re not the only one. However, if you’re prolonging the sitting on the toilet because you’re caught up in social media – or reading a magazine? – then experts say you need to stop.


What Damage Can 15 Minutes on The Toilet Do To Your Body

Scientists say it’s probably for the best if you don’t sit on the toilet for more than 10 to 15 minutes. You should definitely go to sit on the toilet only when you need to poop – not when you want to do a leisure activity. When you don’t have the urge, you’re making your body attempt to strain or push even more thinking it needs to get your toilet business done, when it really doesn’t.

All that straining and pushing when nothing’s coming out can lead to the development of hemorrhoids. You don’t know what hemorrhoids are? Well, in a nutshell, they’re no good.

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins around the anus or in the lower rectum area. Statistics show that 50% of all adults develop hemorrhoids by the age of 50!

There are two types of hemorrhoids; the first type is internal hemorrhoids. These are the hemorrhoids that develop inside your rectum. The external hemorrhoids, on the other hand, develop under the skin which is located around the anus. They cause severe pain and incredible itching – but you can’t scratch because of all the pain. Oh, you know what else they cause? Trouble sitting!

Symptoms Of Hemorrhoids

If you think you might be one of those people who suffer from hemorrhoids, but you’re just not sure yet, then look out for some of the following symptoms:

  • Pain and irritation around the anus
  • Extreme itching around the anus
  • Painful lumps or swellings near the anus
  • Blood in the stool
  • Pain after pooping
  • Blood after pooping

Yes, hemorrhoids are extremely painful, but they are not life-threatening. They usually disappear without any prescribed treatment. With enough physical activity and healthy food, they might never show up again. Also, stay away from red wine. Some people develop anemia because of all the blood losses while having hemorrhoids, but this is really rare.





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