Whiten Your Yellow Teeth In Less Than 2 Minutes! GUARANTEED!

We all want our teeth to be perfectly white and healthy. However this task requires time and effort. Teeth whitening at your dentist is quite expensive and not very healthy. Also, you can find numerous whitening gels and creams on the market, but they are usually poorly effective.

Whiten Your Yellow Teeth In Less Than 2 Minutes! GUARANTEED!

The good news is, there is a natural and extremely effective way to whiten your teeth instantly. It consists of 2 ingredients only and it will take you only 2 minutes.

Why coconut oil?

Coconut oil has an endless number of beneficial uses. It has the ability to treat digestive and hormonal problems, and to regulate the blood sugar and cholesterol levels. More than 1500 studies have confirmed the antibacterial and antifungal properties of coconut oil. Therefore, it is the perfect ingredient for oral care and remedy for oral health issues.

Numerous experts have found that coconut oil can prevent the proliferation of Streptococcus bacteria which are the main cause of tooth decay. The oil is almost equally effective as triclosan-containing toothpastes. A number of popular toothpastes contain fluoride which is considered as toxic chemical. There are over 23 000 cases of fluoride poisoning every year caused by toothpastes that contain fluoride. This a reason enough to replace the standard toothpaste with your own homemade toothpaste.

Why baking soda?

Baking soda is extremely beneficial for your teeth and gums. It has the ability to regulate the pH levels in the mouth and kill the harmful bacteria that cause tooth decay. Also, it has powerful whitening effects which can make your teeth perfectly white.

  • 8 teaspoons of extra virgin coconut oil
  • 8 teaspoons of baking soda


Combine the ingredients and put the mixture on your toothbrush. Brush your teeth as usual. You can add a drop of peppermint oil to give your past a fresher scent. Your toothpaste is ready!

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