Tired Of Those Unwanted Bags Under Your Eyes? Try These 3 Coffee Eye Masks To Get Rid Of Them

Let's be honest- don't you hate it when someone points out the dark circles around your eyes? Well, not anymore, ladies! Here are DIY coffee eye masks...

So you have been bingeing on a new TV show, which means sleepless nights and waking up to those unsightly dark rings under your eyes. Dark circles are a nightmare for many women and can lower their self-confidence. So, if you’re too facing this problem, then try these 3 coffee eye mask to conquer your dark circles like a pro!

Tired Of Those Unwanted Bags Under Your Eyes? Try These 3 Coffee Eye Masks To Get Rid Of Them

Coffee And Honey

This is deemed to be the most instant solution, other than the makeup of course. Coffee has natural bleaching agents present in it, which help lighten the discolouration under your eyes. Honey, on the other hand, moisturises the eye area. Simply mix one tablespoon of ground coffee with a teaspoon of honey and few drops of vitamin E oil in it. Apply the paste under your eyes and wash it off after 15 minutes.

Coffee And Avocado Oil

While avocado oil is great for nourishing and refreshing the skin, coffee takes care of the dark circles, dryness and eye bags. But worry not, this eye serum is the solution to all your under-eye problems. Start by adding ½ cup of ground coffee to a jar, then add the almond oil and let it sit for 4-5 days to infuse. Strain the infused oil and mix one tbsp of avocado oil. Apply this mixture before going to bed for a month to get desired results.

Coffee And Coconut Oil

Coffee mixed with coconut oil helps lighten, tighten and smoothen the skin under eyes. Take one tbsp of coffee powder and mix it with coconut oil and half a tbsp of black pepper. Add a few drops of water and apply this paste on your eye bags. Let it sit for 15 minutes and then rinse it off with cold water.

So, try these remedies and get rid of those unsightly dark circles for good! stay tuned to HerZindagi for more such article.

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