Mix These 3 Ingredients To Regrow Thick, Strong Hair In No Time!

Hair loss is a natural process which happens to everybody, so you should not worry if you notice a few strands of hair on the bathroom floor.

We actually lose 50-100 hairs daily.

Mix These 3 Ingredients To Regrow Thick, Strong Hair In No Time!

Yet, if your hair has gone significantly thinner, and you have a bald patch, you might suffer from hair loss. It can be caused by numerous reasons, such as genetics, illness, childbirth, medicine use, or diet. These are the most common factors for hair loss:

  • Severe infections
  • Hereditary thinning or baldness
  • Eating disorder
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Major surgery
  • Weight loss
  • Stress
  • Cancer treatments
  • Childbirth
  • Iron deficiency
  • Medication
  • Hair products
  • Menopause

You surely have already tried some of the hair products which promise to reverse the hair loss process, but none of them actually works.

The following natural hair tonic will provide amazing effects, as it will help you strengthen and regrow your hair. It is affordable and easy to make, as it contains three ingredients:

Castor Oil
This oil is high in the amino acid ricinoleic, which enters the skin of the scalp and follicles, and regulates the pH levels, preventing hair loss and dandruff.

Egg Yolk
Egg yolks are rich in vitamins, protein, and fatty acids, which strengthen the hair, as well as vitamin E, which promotes hair growth and hydrates the hair.  Also, eggs contain lecithin which prevents breakage and brittleness.

Honey is abundant in antioxidants which soften the hair and strengthen the hair follicles and the scalp. It also supports hair growth, protects against hair loss, and moisturizes the hair.
Here is how to prepare the natural hair tonic:


  • 2 tablespoons of castor oil
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoons of honey

In a bowl, mix all the ingredients and stir. Then, apply the tonic on the scalp and roots, and then continue to the ends. Cover the hair with a shower cap and leave the tonic to act for 2-4 hours. Afterward, just wash it off. Repeat this twice a week, and in a few months, the effects will amaze you!

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