Body language experts believe that the way you cross the fingers of both
of your hands says a lot about the person you are. This conclusion is
based on the research conducted by Nobel Prize-winning Roger Wolcott
Sperry. His research proved that the brain is divided into two
parts—left and right—and a person’s behavior can depend on which part is
more active.
Bright Side tries to unravel this mysterious connection to help you understand more about yourself.
1. Left thumb on top
For these reasons, you are highly valued by your friends and family members, who often come to you to seek your advice. And more often than not, you advise wisely. But all of this does not mean that you are a serious person. On the contrary, your wit can lighten up even the gloomiest of places. Your quirky sense of humor makes you a people magnet in social gatherings.
You are also a romantic who knows exactly how to handle courtships. You know precisely what to say and when to say it.
2. Both of the thumbs aligned
You always hear the opinion of other people and try to understand their point of view before arriving at a decision. Your frankness, honesty, and sincerity can sometimes be disarming to some people, but these are the same qualities that endear you to many others.
In relationships, as well, you value frankness and honesty, and you never shy away from speaking your mind nor do you stop your beloved from doing so.
3. Right thumb on top
This ability also provides you with a perspective that others cannot see, helping you think outside the box and enabling you to make the correct decisions. Although making decisions after emotionally weighing all the other aspects sometimes takes time. Your ability to understand deep emotions and provide warmth draws people toward you.
In relationships, you understand the unspoken feelings of your partner. You will never have problems catering to all their emotional needs.
Without making a conscious effort, clasp your fingers and tell us which of the above-described people you are.