Benefits of Tomato:- 10 Tomato Face Packs for all Skin Problems

Benefits of Tomato:- 10 Tomato Face Packs for all Skin Problems

Tomatoes are one of the most common kitchen ingredients or a vegetable that ad the taste in our dishes. It not only adds the taste in our dishes but it also contained lots of health benefits as well. Recently most of the people are found that it also contained beauty benefits. If you are facing skin problems like blemishes, wrinkles, blackheads, skin discoloration, zits, tomato is great homemade ingredients that help you to fight all these problems. Tomatoes are contained soothing and astringent properties that make them very good for all skin types. Tomatoes consist of rich antioxidants that help to prevent skin aging problems such as wrinkles and fine lines. The vitamin C reduces acne and helps in toning the skin color. It regulates the skin with its natural acidic properties and flushes out the excess oil. Here are the benefits of tomato and face masks.

Benefits of Tomato Face Pack for Healthy and Glowing Skin

Tomato can be easily used to make your skin healthy and attractive. Consuming tomato regularly can help to make your skin glowing and healthy. The redness of tomato will be reflected over your face once you start consuming it in your curries. Today will share some effective and easy homemade face packs of tomatoes.

1. Benefits of Tomato Face Pack for Glowing Skin

  • Ingredients
  • 2 Scoops of Papaya
  • 1 Tomato

This face mask unclogs pores and removes excess sebum from the skin and make your skin acne-free. Rich in healing enzymes, papaya can be also used to treat sunburns or soothe irritated skin. Papaya can reduce the blemishes and dark spots from the skin and make your skin even tone.

Take a slice of papaya and cut it into the pieces and add tomato on it then grind them to a smooth paste. Apply the paste onto face and leave it on for 10 – 15 mins. The combination of these two great ingredients can give you a perfect radiance to the skin.

2. Benefits of Tomato Face Pack for Face Whitening

  • Ingredients
  • 2 tablespoons Multani mitti
  • 1 whole Tomato juice

Multani mitti is great remedy to fight pimples, blemishes, and acne. It removes excess sebum and oil. It cleanses dirt sweat and impurities, sunburns skin rashes and infections. Multani mitti helps in pigmentation, even out skin tone and brightness complexion.

In a bowl, add 2 tablespoons of Multani mitti, juice of a tomato.  Mix the ingredients into a smooth or thick paste and apply it to the skin, neck, hands with a brush. These three ingredients are excellent cleansers that wipe off dead cells and whitens the skin.

3. Tomato Face Pack for Dry Skin

  • Ingredients
  • Medium-sized tomato
  • One tablespoon of olive oil

Olive oil has continued all fat-soluble vitamins like vitamins E, A, D and K some of these are beneficial for the healthy skin. It is also helpful in treating premature signs of aging and make your youthful.

Take a fresh tomato and squeeze the juice from it. Add one tablespoon of olive oil to the tomato juice and mix both of them. Now apply this mixture on your face and leave it for about 15 to 20 minutes. When it is turning dried rinse off your face with lukewarm water. This face mask makes your skin moisturized and soft

4. Tomato Face Pack for Oily Skin

  • Ingredients
  • One tomato
  • Two tablespoons of cucumber paste
  • One tablespoon of honey

Cucumber is one of the money vegetables you can apply on the skin make your face glow and look naturally beautiful. cucumber has a ton of vitamins wherein each one of the vitamins has proved to be very effective for the skin.
Honey is a natural moisturizer that heals cracks caused due to dryness. Removes Blemishes and Acne Scars. Honey is a natural antiseptic and a gentle exfoliator.

Cut the tomato into two half and squeeze the juice from one half. Mix tomato juice with honey and cucumber paste and make a smooth paste. Apply this paste on your face. Let it sit for about 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse off using lukewarm water.

5. Tomato Face Pack for Soft Skin

  • Ingredients
  • Aloe vera
  • Tomato

It is a well-known fact among the dermatologists that aloe vera can do wonders for your skin. If you often suffer from skin irritation or inflammation, perhaps it is a dry skin problem you are dealing with.

Mix tomato pulp with the gel. Mix until the paste becomes semi-thick. Then apply it on the skin. Leave it to dry for 30-35 minutes. Rinse afterward. For those who are at their wit’s end due to their dull skin tone may try this mask thrice in a week for inducing bright complexion.

6. Tomato Face Pack for Tan Treatment

  • Ingredients
  • Tomato

Tomatoes are a great and natural remedy for removing tanning from the skin. Just rub a slice of tomato on the affected areas and see the magic. Do this remedy quite often for faster results.

7. Tomato Face Pack for Acne

  • Ingredients
  • Mint leaves
  • Tomato

The cooling effectuate-fungal and anti-bacterial properties in mint leaves make this herb a perfect ingredient for a tomato face pack.

Crush some fresh juicy mint leaves, add a little water to make a paste, add homemade tomato puree to it. Finely apply this paste all over the skin area. Let all the necessary elements get absorbed by the skin for half an hour. Rinse with cold water

8. Benefits of Tomato Face Pack for Blackheads

  • Ingredients
  • Tomato
  • Lemon

Lemon and tomato both are sour taste which included natural acid. This face pack helps to clean the dirt and germs from the skin. Eventually, it removes the blackheads.

To make this take a bowl full of tomato juice, lemon juice. Apply it evenly to your face and wash it off after 5 minutes.

9. Tomato Face Pack for Blemishes

  • Ingredients
  • Curd  2 tbsp
  • Tomato

Tomato has contained restorative quality when it combined with curd it becomes natural skin lighter that fight against the tanning and make your skin glowing.

Mash one tomato into pulp. Mix this pulp with curd. Massage the tanned face thoroughly with this mask. Leave it for nearly 25 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water.

10. Benefits Of Tomato Face Pack for Clear Skin

  • Ingredients
  • Turmeric 2 tbsp
  • Tomato

Turmeric is like a one man army when it comes to taking care of the skin. From elevating the complexion to erasing the deeply rooted spots and scars, it serves your skin like a true protector.

Take fine turmeric paste in a bowl, include tomato pulp to it. Stir well. Apply it all over the face. Let it dry for about half an hour. Use cold water and a mild face wash to clean the solution off.

Tomato will be suitable for all skin tones. You can try this today and see the result in just a week’s time. It will make your skin healthy youthful and glowing.

Try these remedies and do let me know your experiences in the comments section below. Also, spread the word by sharing this post to Facebook and Twitter by clicking the share button.

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