The healthiest breakfast – lose up to 10 pounds and clean your body

Every morning, after waking up the first thought that comes to our minds is what should you eat for breakfast? There are many options to choose from. But, you can choose to have a light breakfast, or a heavy breakfast. The light option is a health option and a very easy one and here is how to prepare a light one.

The healthiest breakfast – lose up to 10 pounds and clean your body

A light, health breakfast can boost your metabolism, improve the condition of your hair and skin and improve your overall health. It will cleanse the body from toxins and improve the functioning of your organism. Another benefit is that you will lose extra pounds along the way.

Everybody who has ever tried it can guarantee you that if you use it even for a month you can lose 11 pounds. Besides it will improve the condition of your skin and hair.

  • 2 tbsps. oatmeal
  • 5-7 fleshy plums
  • 1 cup or 250ml organic kefir
  • 1 tsp. cocoa powder
  • 1 tsp. milled flaxseed

The process

You should prepare the breakfast in the evening, so it will be ready in the morning.

It starts with pouring the water over the plums. After this, add cocoa, oatmeal and flaxseeds mixture. When you mix the ingredients add the kefir in the mixture.

Next you should slice the plums with water and put them in the mixture from the other 4 ingredients already prepared.

With this the process ends. Put the meal in the fridge and you are ready to go.

When you get up eat the whole breakfast and after a few days you will notice the effects of the meal.

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