Low Progesterone Symptoms: Causes, Benefits and What to Do with It

Low progesterone symptoms are more common than you think.

The female cycle is a dance, a rhythm in constant motion and we are along for the ride. Estrogen and Progesterone are the dominant hormones that run this cycle every month and they both play important roles.

Low Progesterone Symptoms: Causes, Benefits and What to Do with It

Unfortunately, our environment around us is filled with estrogen and xenoestrogens which are chemicals that mimic estrogens in our bodies.

Plastics and animal products contain chemicals that mimic estrogen in our systems, creating estrogen dominance. When estrogen levels get too high we see a variety of symptoms such as bloating, fibrocystic breasts, menstrual irregularities, hair loss, PMS and low thyroid.

Many of us need an increase in Progesterone to help balance out the hormones.

As women age and begin to enter perimenopause, we can have cycles where no ovulation occurs. If we don’t ovulate, we don’t produce progesterone and the estrogen in our system begins to dominate and become unchecked.

John R. Lee M.D. states the following “In the ten to fifteen years before menopause, many women regularly have anovulatory cycles in which they make enough estrogen to create menstruation, but they don’t make any progesterone, thus setting the stage for estrogen dominance.

Using progesterone cream during anovulatory months can help prevent the symptoms of PMS.

We now know that PMS can occur despite normal progesterone levels when stress is present. Stress increases cortisol production; cortisol blockades (or competes for) progesterone receptors.

Additional progesterone is required to overcome this blockade, and stress management is important.”

So how do you know if you need a boost in Progesterone?

Low Progesterone Symptoms
  • Irregular Menstrual Cycles
  • PMS
  • Brain Fog
  • Weight Gain (Particularly Mid Section)
  • Sugar Cravings
  • Hormonal Headaches
  • Low Thyroid (cold hands and feet)
  • Low Libido
  • Depression
  • Fatigue

These are the most common low progesterone symptoms and most cases can be resolved by using a small dose of progesterone cream.

Bioidentical Progesterone Cream is available over the counter and it’s a great way to give your body a boost in progesterone. If your body was low in progesterone you will see an improvement in symptoms rather quickly. Many women have claimed progesterone cream has given them their life back.

I personally have seen huge improvements in my thyroid function after using the cream and have noticed mental clarity as well as reduced migraine headaches related to my cycle. Need some further info on progesterone?

Bioidentical Progesterone Cream contains 20mg per one-quarter teaspoon. It is applied daily to a thin-skinned area such as the neck, breasts, inner arms, ankles or thighs. It’s best to rotate areas every few applications.

Use after ovulation or around the 14 days of your cycle.

Life-Flo Progesta-care Cream is my favorite cream as it comes in a measured pump giving me the correct dose each day so there is no guessing involved. I get the same amount, 20mg of bioidentical cream each time.

Cleaning up what you’re eating will always assist your body in producing hormones.

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