Lose 11 Pounds In 2 Days

Women are dealing with excess body fat which can be quite hard to get rid of but a simple drink can remove all the excess fat completely naturally and with no side-effects.

When losing weight do it in a slow and healthy way – a pound or two a week because more than that can seriously harm your health.

Lose 11 Pounds In 2 Days

The slower rate of losing weight is better because your body has time to adjust to the changes .

Natural drinks and healthy diet can do wonders. One woman lost 11 pounds in only 2 days simply by including this remedy based on parsley in her diet.

Parsley is a natural diuretic and will burn away the excess fat on your body .He also treat fluid retention which can be the main cause for your excess weight.

You need:
  • 1 l. of water
  • 5 tablespoons of chopped parsley leaves
Preparation and use:
  • boil the water in a bigger pot
  • add the parsley leaves
  • simmer the mixture on low heat for 10 minutes
  • let it to cool down
  • strain the tea in the end
  • drink two cups a day.

My friend drank the parsley tea in order to resolve her kidney problems. She started drinking the tea and manage to improve her kidney function and lose astonishing amount of weight in a short time.

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