How To Get Radiant & Glowing Skin Overnight

Have you ever wished to get radiant and glowing skin in one evening? Well, I did, so I started a little research project on my own in order to see whether it is possible or not. I adore the naturally glowing skin, but my complexion tends to get a bit dull from now and then. Working on your computer all day has its own downsides, I must say!

How To Get Radiant & Glowing Skin Overnight

So I looked up some natural tips and tricks that get you glowing skin overnights and I tried the following ideas with great results. The mini routine below will help your skin regenerate overnight and you will be amazed how simple it is to take care of your skin with natural remedies – you really don’t need a ton of expensive creams and lotions to keep your skin radiant.
1) Face massage with oils

Oils are superb for deep cleaning, massaging, improving circulation and feeding your skin a ton of essential nutrients. Even if you have oily skin, don’t be afraid of oils – they will not make your skin create more sebum but they can help it regulate itself and stay hydrated.

Start your evening routine by cleansing your face and applying a toner. After that, use a couple of drops of any oil and slowly massage it into your skin in an upward circular motion. You can opt for any oil, depending on both your preferences and skin type. I had amazing results both with simpler oils, like olive or avocado.
2) Honey mask

I bet you have a jar of honey in your kitchen, so why not use it to make your skin radiant? A DIY face mask from honey is as simple as it can possibly be: all you have to do is take 2-3 spoons of honey and apply it all over your face. Leave it for 15-30 minutes and wash it off.

Honey has a ton of nutrients that help restore your skin’s glow and, believe it or not – it is a great moisturizer too. I can’t believe people are not doing honey masks regularly – they are very effective!
3) Natural, lightweight moisturizer
In winter, I’m a girl who adds a ton of creams every evening, and it actually does work well in hydrating extremely dry skin. But in warm summer months, a heavy concoction can result in breakouts, so I tried natural face moisturizers such as Glycerin and Aloe Vera gel – and loved it! Besides the lightweight moisturizing properties, Aloe Vera, in particular, has healing powers and helps the skin to get that healthy glow day by day. Apply a thin layer of this gel, while gently massaging it. Allow it to work its magic overnight and you’ll notice a slow, but steady healing of scars or different skin issues you might have.
4) Drink plenty of water

Dehydration can cause various health issues, including skin conditions such as extreme dryness, a dull look or different skin outbursts such as acne. The healthiest tip for getting radiant skin is to drink plenty of water! Hydrate yourself and your skin will thank you with amazing glowing skin in the morning.

If you get puffy eyes after drinking a lot of water before bed, try drinking your last glass an hour or two before bed or simply stay well hydrated throughout the whole day.
Why It Works

I know, these tips don’t look fancy or, one can say, they’re “nothing new” but I have a feeling that lately, people are wayyyy overcomplicating simple things like skincare. It might be the consequence of growing product marketing (there’s always something “new” and flashy to try), but a really good new product is… pretty rare. They all seem to be just another form of the same products we already have on the market. Another reason to opt for a simpler, natural skincare is, that you won’t know if it works for you unless you try.

My skin radically improved once I found the world of oils, natural butters, essential oils, clays, sugar scrubs, natural acids and other goodies that come from the mother earth. I leave you with my favorites and I hope you will try the tips I’ve shared to wake up with a glowing skin tomorrow! 🙂

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