Hemorrhoids – an unpleasant occurrence with severe symptoms

Hemorrhoids – an unpleasant occurrence with severe symptoms

The appearance of hemorrhoids is one of the most common diseases in humans. Hemorrhoids are dilated blood vessels in and around the anus. They are manifested in both male and female equally. Hemorrhoids are more common in people over 50, because the connective tissue of the blood vessels in the rectum and anal opening ages and loses its elasticity. They are also common during pregnancy.

The unpleasant feeling in the anus area that involves pain, strong tingling, itching and bleeding signals the presence of hemorrhoids, which should not be ignored.

Fortunately, there are treatments that can relieve symptoms and cure the hemorrhoids completely.
How do the hemorrhoids come about?

The blood vessels around the anal opening have the ability to expand at increased pressure, which can lead to their swelling. The enlarged swollen vessels develop under the influence of this increased pressure in the lower part of the rectum.

This increased pressure may be due to:

  • Strong strain during bowel discharge, or during defecation;
  • Obesity;
  • Chronic diarrhea or constipation;
  • During pregnancy, the larger size of the uterus and the baby itself create pressure on the veins;
  • Irregular diet that includes a very small amount of fiber or very spicy food;
  • Anal sex;
  • Long sitting. People who are not physically active and spend most of the day in a sitting position are more likely to face this disease.
  • Hemorrhoids may be internal (located in the inner part of the rectum, or the end of the colon) or external (which may develop under the skin around the anal opening).
Treatment, tips and prevention
  1. Use creams, grease and collagens that are applied locally. Consult your doctor or pharmacist about the choice of creams and other preparations intended for the treatment of hemorrhoids.
  2. Keep the anal area clean. Soap and other means of showering are enemies of the hemorrhoids and can only irritate them further. The same applies to wet wipes that contain alcohol or are perfumed. It is advised to soak the anal part 2-3 times during the day in clean and warm water for a duration of 10-15 minutes. Showering is a recommended part of the care and includes gentle cleansing of the anal opening and the outer part around it with warm to lukewarm water. Gently wipe the area with a clean cloth by patting or dry with a hairdryer.
  3. Do not use dry toilet paper. Dry paper is also the enemy of the hemorrhoids. After defecation, moisten the paper or use special wet wipes that do not contain alcohol or perfume in its composition.
  4. Do not tense when you empty the gut. Breath holding and severe tension in defecation increase blood pressure in the blood vessels in the lower rectum. Also, avoid too long and unnecessary sitting on the toilet.
  5. Empty yourself on time. As soon as you feel the need for defecation, go to the toilet, because any delay that can be delayed for hours causes more difficult bowel movement and additional pressure.
  6. Use ice. Gently pressing the anus with a few ice cubes wrapped in a clean cloth can help with swelling and irritation.
  7. Consult your doctor for medication use. You may be prescribed therapy, or medicines that will reduce pain and relieve the discomfort caused by hemorrhoids.
  8. Enter dietary changes and lifestyle changes. A bad and unhealthy diet can be a cause of hemorrhoids. A diet is recommended that includes more fresh fruit, vegetables and cereals rich in fiber that enhance digestion. This diet allows for a softer and lighter stool, which would mean easier bowel discharge and a reduction in the pressure responsible for the appearance of hemorrhoids. It is thought that 2 large spoons of red wine can improve blood circulation, which is certainly desirable in combating hemorrhoids. However, a larger amount of this red alcoholic beverage is not recommended because it can further irritate the hemorrhoids. Focus on natural and healthy food, because medicines and synthetic preparations after prolonged continuous use can cause mucous membrane damage.
  9. Drink plenty of fluids. Do not spend the day without 6-8 glasses of water or other liquids, which do not include alcoholic beverages. Urine should be light yellow or colorless as water. It will help you have a softer chair.
  10. Avoid a long sitting and be physically active. Moderation is the key to good health. If your profession “binds” you in a chair for a long time, make frequent breaks by moving and select a moderate physical activity, such as walking or swimming, in order to prevent the occurrence of hemorrhoids.
  11. Do not lift heavy objects. If you are forced to lift heavy objects, exhale as you lift them. Do not hold your breath as you lift.

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