Everything You Need to Know About Nutrition Supplements

Everything You Need to Know About Nutrition Supplements
Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all had an amazing weekend. I am beyond excited about this blog post because it was written with the help of an incredible Certified Holistic Nutritionist (and a Registered Orthomolecular Practitioner), who has all of the answers to your questions around nutrition supplements.

I take supplements on a daily basis, as do my children, but I know so many people struggle with knowing which ones they should really be taking. Well, after chatting with Jass, she has all of the answers for you below.

Overall, which supplements should most adults be taking on a regular basis?

The most important supplements for adults to be taking daily are a B complex, fish oil and magnesium, and there are so many reasons why.

B complexes are really important for aiding in digestion, regulating blood sugar management, increasing energy and reducing stress.

Fish oils are incredibly anti-inflammatory. They are crucial for our joints, brain, skin, digestive tract and so much more.

Magnesium is the mineral that almost all of us are depleted in due to the lack of magnesium in our soils. It’s amazing for sleep, stress, digestion, headaches, blood sugar management, and is needed for over 300 metabolic reactions in the body. This is the supplement that I think every single person needs to be taking! I would recommend 200mg- 500mg per day before bed.

Lately, I’ve been hearing so much about amino acid support. Should we be supplementing this?

Amino acids are the building blocks to protein. These amino acids are so important because protein is crucial for structural and chemical functions in the body. Unlike carbohydrates and fats, the body does not store amino acids, so the body is constantly needing amino acid replenishment.

If we are eating low protein diets or just unhealthy diets in general, we are going to be lacking a lot of the essential amino acids needed to build protein. If you lack protein in your diet, it may be a good idea to add in a clean, plant based protein powder.

If you are eating healthy, you are most likely getting in enough protein. There is protein in brown rice, lentils, chickpeas, black beans, spirulina, chicken, eggs, edemame and so much more! So don’t overthink it, but make a conscious effort to add in some extra protein.

For those women struggling with hormonal imbalance, what supplements would help with this?

Some supplements that will help with hormonal imbalances that are safe to take are:

Borage oil or GLA: These omega 6’s are great for reducing inflammation and stimulating the adrenals. They are also really great for any of those who suffer with hormonal skin disorders, or painful menstrual cycles.

Magnesium: As noted before, magnesium is important for so many reasons when it comes to our hormonal health. Magnesium helps to reduce stress and improve our adrenal system. It is also shown to be a causing factor in women who suffer from hormonal imbalances.

Black Cohosh:
for any of those suffering from menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, irritability, night sweats and so on, should definitely consider black cohosh! This powerful herb helps to balance estrogen levels in the body to regulate the hormones.

This herb is used to balance the estrogen and progesterone levels in the body. This is a great herb for anyone suffering from any hormonal issues as it will help to align the body with the assistance it needs at any stage. If you experience hormonal acne, pain or missed menstrual cycles, vitex would be a good option.

Just as a side note, it is extremely important to talk to a medial/nutritional expert before starting any supplements when it comes to hormonal health as these can have adverse side effects if they are not the supplement for your body.

What is the best supplement to assist with increasing energy and reducing stress?

The best supplement for aiding in energy production and reducing stress is either a B complex or magnesium bisglycinate supplement. Here is why:

B complexes help to give us a natural energy boost, which we can actually feel right away. Specific B vitamins like B6 and B5 are actually known as our “anti-stress” vitamins. A complex works wonders for both stress and energy.

Magnesium is also crucial as it more so helps us relax at night. This will help to reduce cortisol levels, and allow us to sleep better throughout the night, inevitably, we will be able to notice better energy throughout the day. Magnesium is also known to be a powerful aid in stress, anxiety, and depression. Magnesium is the mineral that almost all who suffer with mental health are depleted in.

Should toddlers and children be taking any supplements? If so, which ones would you recommend?

Toddlers and children would definitely benefit from taking a probiotic. Probiotics will not only keep them from getting sick, but it will also aid in building their young digestive and immune systems.

If your child doesn’t eat enough fruits and vegetables, it would also be a great idea to get them to have a multivitamin each day. Just be careful that the vitamin does not contain too much sugar!

If your child suffers from ADHD or ADD, adding on a fish oil would be of strong benefit. Specifically one that is high in DHA will help to increase their concentration and mental clarity and DHA helps to protect and build the brain.

I know certain supplement brands are better than others. Can you provide us advice on how to ensure the supplements you are taking are excellent quality?

Quality over quantity is so important when it comes to supplements! We need to remember that we are taking these supplements to better our health, so this is something that we need to invest in! If you aren’t sure what brands are a good quality brand, you can ask the store associates at the health shop.

If you take a look at the back of the label, you should not see any ingredient that reads “sugar”, or “dye”. This shows that there are fillers in here to make it taste better or change the colour if the supplement. This is something we definitely want to stay away from.

Any other advice as it relates to supplements?

Remember that supplements are exactly what they sound like- they help to supplement a healthy lifestyle. Supplements are great to take when the body needs it, but it is important to take breaks from all supplements every once in a while. I tend to recommend that my clients stick to all of their supplements during the winter season, and then either reduce the dosage in the summer. In the warmer months, we are eating more fruits and vegetables, so we should be getting our nutrients from the garden!

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