Be Your Own Dentist! See How To Remove The Plaque From Teeth In Just 5 Minutes!

Be Your Own Dentist! See How To Remove The Plaque From Teeth In Just 5 Minutes!

Proper oral hygiene is crucial if we want to keep our teeth safe from different diseases which can even lead to tooth loss. Even though some people are genetically predisposed to plaque, sometimes plaque is just a result from poor oral hygiene. In order to eliminate it, people usually go to the dentist who performs expensive dental treatments. Luckily, you don’t have to visit your dentist anymore since there are some natural ways in which you can remove plaque. In this article we will present you 4 different ways which will not only whiten your teeth, but it will also improve your oral health in general.

4 natural ways of removing plaque from your teeth

Lemon juice

Lemon has great teeth whitening properties and can also remove the tartar buildup from your teeth. However, this method shouldn’t be used often as the acids in the citrus fruit can damage the enamel of your teeth and cause problems. To use the treatment, just mix ½ a cup of lemon juice with ½ a cup of warm water, then swish the solution in your mouth every day for 5 minutes.


Strawberries contain special compounds which can easily remove the plaque from your teeth. They are not as corrosive as lemon juice, so you can safely use them often. To remove the plaque from your teeth, just rub them with a strawberry cut in half every day for 7 minutes.
Parsley leaves

Chop some parsley leaves and apply them on your teeth, then leave them to work for 5 minutes before rinsing with lukewarm water. Repeating the process every day will reduce the plaque on your teeth effectively. 

Parsley leaves

In order to use this method, you need to chops some parsley leaves and apply them on your teeth. After that, allow them to act for 5 minutes and then rinse It off with lukewarm water. In order to remove the plaque as soon as possible, you need to repeat this process every day.
Homemade anti-plaque remedy

4 natural ways of removing plaque from your teeth

Homemade anti-plaque remedy

Here’s how to prepare an anti-plaque mixture at home:


  • 2 teaspoons of sparkling water
  • 2 teaspoons of baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon of toothpaste
  • 1 tablespoon of water

Preparation and use

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl well until you get a paste, then brush your teeth with it for 4 minutes on a daily basis. Repeat the treatment once a week and your teeth will be free of plaque soon.

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