Physical ailments do not come secretly. Most of the physical ailments
come with clear symptoms that point out to the ailment directly. However
big or small the ailment is symptoms must be watched out for so that
you can medical attention immediately. Even big disease like Aids has
some symptoms expressed to show out its invasion inside the body. Watch
out for the following symptoms and rush for medical attention if you
have any of these.
If you happen to observe reddish rashes spread all over the body all of a
sudden, seek medical attention immediately since this may be an
indication that you have been infected with HIV virus

If you feel that you are losing body weight all of a sudden in a significant manner, rush to your Doctor immediately. This may be an indication that you are affected with HIV

It is easy for infections due to yeast and bacteria to invade women who are diagnosed HIV positive. The absence of regular periods or changes in menstrual cycles may be direct indications to contracting HIV. Women who have such symptoms must immediately check with Doctors for possibilities of HIV.

The lymph nodes present all over our body may get severely swollen if we are affected with HIV virus. So in case you feel sudden swelling in one or more parts of our body, in particular, the armpits, groin, rear head and neck, may be HIV is on the cards. Check out.

Brittle nails that turn yellowish and break may indicate HIV contraction. So if you observe that your nails are becoming unhealthy, get in touch with your medical Practitioner immediately.

This is a rare combination. However when you feel you are affected by both of these at the same time, probably they are pointers to HIV contraction. Consult with your Doctor if you need to test for HIV

Muscle ache and pain in the hands, back and leg joints that debilitate even simple daily chores may be indications to having HIV. Beware. If you have unbearable excruciating pain in the joints and muscles together seek medical assistance immediately

If you experience fever ranging between 37.6*C and 38.2*C (99.8*F and 100.8*F) initially it may appear very normal. But a prolonged period with this temperature along with excessive sweating in the night may be pointers to early stage of HIV infection. Check out on your Medical Practitioner without any further delay

Though this is a symptom caused during advanced stages of HIV, if you have any symptoms, better check up. For all you know, any serious ailment may cause short term memory loss

If you are basically an active person and you notice yourself getting bogged down with tiredness all of a sudden in the recent times, go in for a check up to find out if you are HIV positive