Every Woman Should Know These Tricks With Baking Soda

In case you have ever researched natural cures, some holistic home remedies, or taken some health advice from your grandmother, the chances are that baking soda was a popular ingredient in your discoveries. Starting from very old to modern applications, the so known baking soda, or Sodium Bicarbonate, has been touted as having miraculous uses both inside and outside of your diet, and plenty of people seem to agree. We have all read manuscripts and lab logs covering this topic and now even our own blog and our community are asking me a TON of questions.

Every Woman Should Know These Tricks With Baking Soda

So, therefore, I really wanted to put together 10 powerful uses of baking soda. The soda is non-toxic, but make sure you purchase the Aluminum free baking soda, and do not forget to consult your physician.

Antacid for Heartburns

After you have been eating too fast, or something spicy or acidic, the stomach acid can have unpredictable reactions, and splash into our esophagus. Take one teaspoon of baking soda in 250 ml of water and it can help neutralize and calm your heartburn.
Make a Bath Soak

It has been said a thousand times hat we are what we are absorbing. Having a baking soda bath may help alkalize and also detoxify your skin, and also other areas of your body that you usually do not pay too much attention to. You may mix around 5 tablespoons of baking soda into your full bath tub and enjoy a detoxifying soak.
Clean Baby Clothes

Numerous detergents contain heavy metals and other toxins in themselves. The stain removing and also odor fighting agents can often be extremely acidic and harmful to human skin, especially toddlers and children. So make a mixture of 1 tablespoon of baking soda with one cup of water and use to scrub out those beet juice stains!
Vegetable and Fruit Scrubbing

Although we have been talking about the benefits of shopping at organic farmers and markets, you will still want to clean your fruits and vegetables before eating them of course. Only if you enjoy soap flavored salads, I would never recommend soaping your produce. You may scrub each oft he vegetables or fruits with baking soda instead.
Deodorize Shoes

Instead of spraying air fresheners from poisonous aerosol cans into your shoes, enabling the soles of your feet to absorb harmful chemicals, you can sprinkle in some baking soda.

Treat Bug Bites

Do you remember when we were kids and we would run and play from sun-up to sun-down, and even beyond? And when the older kids stayed out even later? As even after the street lights came on? They were certainly rebels. They also got bit up like crazy by the mosquitoes, but they would be out the next night just the same. They knew something that I didn’t: they rubbed toothpaste on their insect bites. It was actually the baking soda inside that treated and reduced the itching.
Under-Arm Deodorant

I have been talking about this before, but in case you have not heard, there are a number of people that are up-in-arms about the ingredients in their deodorant or antiperspirants. Some harmful chemicals like aluminum have overwhelmingly been linked to cancer. You should try some sprinkling some baking soda under there instead of clogging your pores with toxins.

We have already talked about the horrific side effects of a lifelong fluoride poisoning so you can bypass that tragedy by mixing 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 1 teaspoon of water and using as toothpaste.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda Tonic

It has been talked about the incredible benefits of some raw and organic apple cider vinegar, as for example regulating the probiotics in your gut, boosting immunity and so on. And mixing it with baking soda counter-acts the acidity of the ACV, making it easier on digestion. Try a mixture of 1 tablespoon of ACV, with 1 teaspoon of baking soda, into 1 tall glass of water.
Spray on Garden Plants

There has been a lot of debate about pesticides and also, their harmful effects on us and our environment. Well then, there is actually no debate. They are so bad. There exists, however, some debate about mold, worms, and other insects on our produce. Shall we just let them be, or shall we find a non-toxic way to take care of them? If you choose the second route, this baking soda might be helpful. Make a mixture of 4 teaspoons of baking soda with 1 gallon of water and gently mist onto your plants and this will discourage bugs and fungi from invading your food.
Baking Soda and Lemon Juice Tonic

Improves digestion and wards off inflammation:

  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • Half lemon
  • 8 ounces of purified water.


  1. Mix the 1 teaspoon of baking soda with the half a lemon into 8 ounces of purified water.
  2. Ingest this first thing in the morning
  3. Make this a part of your everyday morning routine.

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