3 Minutes Before Going To Bed, Do This Simple Exercises To Slim Down Your Legs

Some people love to exercise; they get into fitness and work out several times a week. Some of us though, would rather watch Netflix and chill out instead of head to the gym.

3 Minutes Before Going To Bed, Do This Simple Exercises To Slim Down Your Legs

In defense of those who detest physical activity, it’s not always the most exciting and fulfilling of things to do. What we all share in common is we want to see results from our efforts no matter how minuscule. Whether you’re a gym fanatic who hits the gym multiple times a week or couch potato, who finds all manner of excuses to avoid exercise, thankfully, there are easy and yes, quick exercises we can do to target those troublesome areas. You know, our tummy, inner thighs, and upper body. These exercises we discuss below mainly focus on the legs because we tend to neglect them. We need to develop our leg muscles to have a complete body workout.

Let’s face it, toned legs look good, and they’re a source of strength. We rely on our legs to help us complete the most minor to the more laborious of tasks. Leg workouts can help in weight loss and prevent injury to the lower body. Here are four exercises that will help you build up your leg muscles. They’ll also maintain your overall health.

High-knee exercises target your knees and help strengthen your core, buttocks, your calves and can even help increase your metabolism. They can also improve your balance because you’re performing it on one leg at a time.

How to perform the exercise: Stand with: ” your legs about shoulder-width apart. Lifting one leg, bring your knee up towards your chest, holding for a second or two before lowering your leg back to the floor. Seems easy, right? Next, bring your opposite leg upwards in the same motion and continue to move back and forth between your right and left side.”

Don’t arch or round your lower back. Keep your pelvis stationary as an improper form can cause back strain. This exercise can help your inner thigh muscles and your outer hips too. Balancing on one leg helps your calf, quadriceps, hamstrings and buttock muscles on the standing leg.

Deep full squats are better for your knees, and they’re better than parallel squats. Many who do this exercise prefer parallel squats because they either can’t get their butt below their knees or have trouble completing the motion. They might be able to do part of the movement, but they might have difficulty keeping their feet flat on the ground.

Research has proven there’s no difference between parallel and full squats, but full squats can help in knee stabilization when done correctly.

To do this exercise the right way, you almost need to take up a crouching position. You must keep your feet flat on the floor, or you’re not doing it right.

Deep squats can help strengthen the muscles in your ankles. It promotes good flexibility in the ankles and hips too. It’s especially good for your hamstrings, quadriceps, calves and of course, glutes. It’s even been known to help lessen back pain.

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