How to banish colds with natural homemade remedies

Blocked up nose making you miserable? Instead of reaching for the medicine cabinet to find the best cure for the common cold, try our selection of natural home remedies to treat your flu and cold instead. 

Whether it’s that time of year when temperatures are decreasing and colds are on the rise, or you've been unlucky enough to catch a summer cold, you'll be wondering what the best cure for cold and flu is so you can get back on your feet as quickly as possible. 

We all know that the best remedy for a cold is just a couple of days bed rest and drinking plenty of fluids, but having a day off just isn't an option when you have a busy schedule and children to look after. 

Especially when you're only feeling a little under the weather and don't want to resort to medication or a trip to the doctors just to cure a cold. 
Instead of drugs, natural home remedies for colds are a great defence against germs going around in the office, on public transport or in the playground and to keep you protected through the winter months.

Try home-made cough syrups, home-brewed teas, plant-based remedies such as eucalyptus, spices and Echinacea root, all of which help protect you against the elements and strengthen your immune system, without relying on the pharmacy.

Use eucalyptus oil
Most home remedies for colds focus on products derived from plants - such as eucalyptus oil. 

Eucalyptus oil is a pure essential oil extract from the dried leaf of the eucalyptus tree and is perfect for relieving a blocked nose or sinus pains. 

Getting blocked up can be such a pain, especially when it comes to bedtime but eucalyptus oil makes a great natural home remedy because the smell is strong, so a few drops on a tissue or handkerchief will work to treat your cold. 

Some versions of eucalyptus oil come mixed with menthol, another plant-based-product, which makes a great treatment if you're looking to avoid non-natural products.

Drink plenty of water
Home remedies for a cold don't always have to be complicated, it is worth pointing out that one of the main ways to fight a cold is simply keeping hydrated.

Hydration allows your body to function better in every way, not least your internal organs, and because water makes up 60% of the human body if you're not keeping it topped up you don't have any chance of beating a cold quickly. 

You don't even need to drink energy drinks or those with high electrolytes to battle a cold, just normal tap water is essential to getting back on your feet again. You should be drinking approximately two litres of water a day or eight small glasses (this is not including caffeinated drinks).

Chicken soup
We know that having a bowl of chicken soup when you're feeling under the weather is an old wives' tale and something we spent our childhood hearing, but chicken soup recipes really are a great home remedy for clearing that cold! 

As well as being comforting, chicken soup thins the mucus build-up in your throat and airways to increase your breathing whilst the ingredients work to stops white blood cells from causing inflammation all over your body. 

Not to mention that the vegetables are good for increasing your vitamin intake, which helps your body fight colds all year long. 

Eat raw onions
Raw onions may be a 'natural' remedy but they certainly don't spring to mind when you're thinking of home remedies to clear your cold. 

Indeed eating raw onions may not be particularly sociable, but raw onions are effective in opening up your nasal passages and helping to shift that groggy feeling. Plus you always have onions lying around in the kitchen, so they're a perfect home-made remedy for colds that means you don't have to visit the pharmacy.

Salt-water rinse
Salt water rinse is another natural remedy that is easily achieved at home, with a glass of boiled water, half a teaspoon of salt and half a teaspoon of baking powder mixed together.

Using a syringe pour this salt water rinse into your nose to clear your airways when a cold is restricting them. Although it doesn't sound particularly appealing, salt water rinse is effective and a cheap alternative to shop-bought-solutions.

Use this natural cold remedy a couple of times a day or until you feel the blockage is easing. If you have a sore throat you can also use this (with a squeeze of honey to improve the taste) to gargle and calm your throat.

Inhale steam
Home remedies aren't usually glamorous but when you're feeling bunged up you can treat yourself to a spa treatment at home on the sofa! 

The symptoms of a cold are relieved by inhaling steam - try inhaling for 5 minutes. This will help to kill off some bugs and clear your passages by liquefying the thick mucus. 

Not only will this home remedy help you shift some of your cold symptoms, but it will also do a great job to clear your facial pores and give you a much needed glow - even if you're not feeling 100% you can still look good.

Eat spicy food
Spicy foods are another home remedy which work to fight the common cold, especially the common symptoms such as a stuffy nose and head because they are a natural decongestant. 

If you're not sure about diving into the chillies straight away, start with some other spicy foods that are still derived from natural ingredients, such as chilli, wasabi or horseradish. All of which can easily be integrated into meals to combat congestion without reaching for the medicine cabinet.

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