Health isn't what you're eating. It's what you're thinking and what you're saying.

Health isn't what you're eating. It's what you're thinking and what you're saying.


Quote: “Health is not just about what you eat. It’s also what you think and say.”


Your diet is not only what you eat. It’s pretty much everything you do, what you watch, all the things you listen to, what you read, the people you hang with, etc. Be mindful of the things you pour into your body emotionally, spiritually and physically. A real and complete health is not just the body, it’s also emotional health, mental health. That’s why it’s important to be careful about what we think. Our thoughts run our our lives.


The first wealth is health. If you think wellness is expensive or too time-consuming, then try illness. A mental illness is like fighting a war where the enemy’s combat strategy is to convince you that the war isn’t actually happening. As if it’s all just in your head, you are the only problem and nobody cares.


How to become healthier and happier

Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are surprisingly simple.


Start making healthier choices. Not choices that are just healthier for your body, but also healthy for your mind. So whatever you do, ask yourself; does this make me feel good? Does this make me happy? The key is in fact to actually do more of what makes you happy. This will also help you establish the things that make you feel horrible.


Take time to learn to recognise your triggers. The things that take you to a dark tunnel. When you’ve identified your triggers and when they occur mentally say “pause”, take a deep breath. Observe. Mentally press “play”. Do this regularly and at every given occasion. This process helps you to learn to control your thoughts, rather than your thoughts controlling you.


This transformation isn’t going to be easy. It’s going to be painful, like any transformation. When you change form, you become a new person. Even if your progress is slow, please know that you’re not falling apart. You’re just falling into something different, with a new capacity to be a beautiful person. And remember; if nothing changes, then nothing changes. You’ll have to do the work.


An arabian proverb says: “he who has health has hope; and he who has hope has everything.” Happiness is the highest form of health. If you’re happy, you have everything. You won life. So, how about doing more of what makes you happy and live a more inspired life?


You don’t have to struggle in silence

The only thing more exhausting and energy-consuming than having a mental illness is pretending like you don’t.

Just because no one else can do all the inner work for you doesn’t mean you should or need to do it on your own. Seeking help is a sign of strength. It’s the realisation of what things you can do by yourself and pinpoint the areas you could use some help. Try building a commercial airplane on your own for example. A little bit of help would come in handy.

You are more precious to this world than you’ll ever know. Every individual matters. You aren’t the things that haunt you. You aren’t the pain you feel right now. You aren’t defective or broken. You’re human, you’re doing the best you can with what you know and what you have. Be conscious of the fact that you have so much more to offer to the world than the demons that you’re fighting.

Don’t let your struggle become your identity.

What do you think?

Refreshing, Cool & Healthy Ginger Pineapple Lemon Drink

Refreshing, Cool & Healthy Ginger Pineapple Lemon Drink

Drinking a healthy beverage has so many benefits for your body. It can be refreshing and delicious as well, especially if you follow this great recipe by Sweet Adjeley on YouTube! This drink is so good and even kids will definitely love it. Plus, it only needs about four to five ingredients or more if you want to modify the recipe.

How To Read Eyes And Know What Someone Is Thinking

How To Read Eyes And Know What Someone Is Thinking


These critters appear during the night and attack their victims, they silently kill or leave them with a lifelong infection

These critters appear during the night and attack their victims, they silently kill or leave them with a lifelong infection

These critters appear during the night and attack their victims, they silently kill or leave them with a lifelong infection

In her early childhood, Emiliana Rodríguez witnessed something that would change her life forever as she watched her friends play a nighttime game of soccer. Tragically, one of the players unexpectedly collapsed and died on the field. Unaware of the cause, the Bolivian-born Rodríguez developed a deep fear of the night, terrified of an invisible killer known as Chagas, a "monster" that supposedly emerges only after dark.

Chagas, a distinct kind of monster, manifests as a "silent and silenced disease," transmitted by nocturnal insects that infect millions of people each year. Rodríguez's friend became one of the 12,000 annual victims of this devastating illness.

Twenty-seven years ago, at the age of 15, Rodríguez relocated from Bolivia to Barcelona, hoping to escape the clutches of Chagas. However, she soon discovered that she couldn't elude this "monster" she had grown to fear.

"Fear would often grip me at night. There were nights when sleep evaded me," she confessed. "I was terrified of drifting off and never waking up."

Eight years ago, when Rodríguez was pregnant with her first child, she underwent some tests that unveiled a disquieting truth—she was a carrier of Chagas. "Shock overwhelmed me, and all the stories my relatives had recounted about sudden deaths came rushing back," she reminisced, vividly recalling the tragic fate of her friend. "I wondered, 'What will happen to my baby?'"

But Rodríguez underwent treatment to prevent the parasite from reaching her unborn child through vertical transmission. After her baby girl was born, she tested negative.

Meanwhile, in Mexico, Elvira Idalia Hernández Cuevas had never heard of Chagas until her 18-year-old was diagnosed with the silent killer.

Idalia, 18, was donating blood in her hometown, near Veracruz in Mexico, when her sample was screened, resulting in a positive diagnosis for Chagas, a disease caused by a blood-sucking parasite, triatomine bugs that are commonly known as kissing or vampire bugs.

“I had never heard of Chagas so I started to research it on the internet,” Hernández said in an interview with the Guardian. “I was terrified when I saw it described as a silent killer. I didn’t know what to do or where to go.”

She’s not the only one, many people are unaware of the vectorborne illness caused by these pesky pests.

Chagas is named after Carlos Ribeiro Justiniano Chagas, a Brazilian physician and researcher who identified the human case in 1909. Over the past several decades, Chagas disease is known to be prevalent in Latin America, North America, Europe, Japan and Australia.

Kissing bugs mostly live in the walls of low-income housing in rural or suburban areas and are most active at nighttime when people are sleeping. The bug passes the T. cruzi infection by biting an animal or human, then defecating on the skin of its victim, who may accidentally scratch the spot and break the skin, or spread the feces into the eyes or mouth.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in Mexico, Central America, and South America, approximately 8 million people–6 to 7 million worldwide as reported by the World Health Organization (WHO)– have Chagas disease, the majority unaware of their infection. When left untreated, the lifelong infection can be a killer. About 12,000 people die of Chagas each year, killing “more people in Latin America than any other parasite disease, including malaria,” writes the Guardian.

Though these bugs have been identified in the U.S.–close to 300,000 people are infected–it is not considered an endemic.

Some people never develop symptoms but CDC reports that decades later, 20 to 30% have cardiac complications that can lead to death, or gastrointestinal complications, which can cause severe discomfort.

And the global case detection rate is only 10%, which makes treatment and prevention very difficult.

Wikipedia Commons / Bärbel Stock

Looking for some support, Hernández and her daughter Idalia visited several doctors who also knew very little–if anything–about Chagas, or how to treat it. “I was surprised, scared and sad because I thought my daughter was going to die. Above all, I couldn’t find out any reliable information, and this added to my anxiety,” Hernández said.

Finally getting some help from a family member who worked in health care, Idalia received the treatment she needed.

“In Mexico, the authorities say that there aren’t many people affected by Chagas and that it’s under control, but that’s not the situation,” says Hernández. “Medical professionals don’t receive any training and mistake Chagas for other heart diseases. The majority don’t realize there is Chagas in Mexico.”

Chagas is listed by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a neglected tropical disease, meaning it’s not getting attention from the global health policy agenda.


Chagas disease treatment

Colin Forsyth, a research manager at the Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative (DNDi), explained that Chagas is neglected partly because “it’s a silent disease that stays hidden for so long in your body … because of the asymptomatic nature of the initial part of the infection.”

Referencing the poor populations, Forsyth continued, “The people affected just don’t have the power to influence healthcare policy. There’s this confluence of biological and social issues that keep it hidden.”

But as Chagas travels to other continents, its visibility is increasing and it’s now known that it can be transmitted through blood transfusions and organ transplants, and from mother to baby during pregnancy or childbirth.

Professor David Moore, a consultant at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases in London, created the Chagas Hub, a UK-based facility with the primary goal of having “more people tested and treated, and to manage the risk of transmission, which in the UK is from mother to child,” he said.

Moore said that progress in eliminating Chagas is “glacial,” and addressing the target set by WHO for a 2030 disease elimination, he said, “I can’t imagine that we’ll be remotely close by 2030. That seems highly unlikely.”

Chagas can be treated with two medicines, benznidazole and nifurtimox, both on the market 50 plus years, that Moore says is “toxic, unpleasant, not particularly effective.”

It can cure a baby but there’s no guarantee the medications can prevent or curb disease progression in adults.

As for severe side effects, Rodríguez remembers coming out in hives, feeling dizzy and nauseated. She completed treatment and goes for check-ups every year.

Moore adds that more effective medication for Chagas is critical in curbing its spread but right now, there’s no financial appeal to pharmaceutical companies.

Until there’s a higher market appeal to develop more treatments, Hernández is on a mission to make the silent disease louder, in her title as president of the International Federation of Associations of People Affected by Chagas Disease (FINDECHAGAS).


What should I do if I find a triatomine bug?

Meanwhile, Rodríguez is in Spain, fighting the “monster,” by bringing awareness to Chagas through a campaign by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health.

“I’m fed up with so much silence,” Rodríguez says. “I want people to talk about Chagas, and to know about it. I want people to get tested and to get treatment.” And, they are being heard.

The WHO established World Chagas Disease Day, which runs every year on April 14, the day in 1909 when Carlos discovered the first human case. WHO writes that “Global targets for 2030 and milestones are set out to prevent, control, eliminate and eradicate a diverse set of 20 diseases and disease groups.” This includes Chagas.

To prevent a possible infestation, the CDC recommends that you:

Seal cracks and gaps around windows, walls, roofs and doors Remove wood, brush and rock piles near your house Use screens on doors and windows and repair any holes or tears Seal holes and cracks leading to the attic, to crawl spaces below the house and to the outside Have pets sleep indoors, especially at night Keep your house and any outdoor pet resting areas clean, in addition to periodically checking both areas for the presence of bugs

If you believe you have come across a kissing bug, it is advised by the CDC not to crush it. Instead, you should carefully place the bug in a container and fill the container with rubbing alcohol or freeze it in water.

Afterward, it is recommended that you take the container with the bug to your local health department or a university laboratory for identification.

Make sure that you share this story and help raise awareness on this silent disease!

How To Detect A Lie

How To Detect A Lie


This Delicious Mocktail May Be The Answer To A Great Night's Sleep

This Delicious Mocktail May Be The Answer To A Great Night's Sleep

This Delicious Mocktail May Be The Answer To A Great Night's Sleep

Social media influencers love to rave about their "life-changing" tips, tricks, and hacks, right?
But all too often, it's shaky pseudoscience that goes viral (sorry, rubbing a banana peel on your face won't give you wrinkle-free skin). But sometimes their recommendations have a scientific basis. And it could work, at least in theory.

This also applies to the so-called "Sleepy Girl Mocktail" circulating online. Proponents claim that the combination of tart cherry juice, magnesium powder, sparkling mixers such as carbonated water and prebiotic lemonade is "a heavenly combination for a good night's sleep."

And it might actually be helpful.

"There's solid science to support the idea that drinking these drinks can help you relax and fall asleep faster," says Devon Pert, registered dietitian at MHSc. "But it's not a cure for insomnia or a sure-fire antidote to sleep deprivation."

It's also worth noting that the social media-driven Sleepy Girl Mocktail's name is based on the self-identified "girl" influencer of the same name who started sharing it. Mocktails work the same regardless of your gender or the gender you were assigned at birth.

What is the Sleepy Girl Cocktail? Should it be part of your bedtime routine? Peart explains.

What is the sleepy girl mocktail?

The basic recipe for the sleepy girl mocktail is simple:

  • 1/2 cup pure tart cherry juice.
  • 1 tablespoon of magnesium powder.
  • A bit of fizzy drink to cut it, like a prebiotic soda or sparkling water.
  • Simply stir, sip and sleep tight (or so the story goes).

How the sleepy girl mocktail affects sleep

The ratios and the fizzy stuff used in sleepy girl mocktail recipes can vary a bit, but the important parts — tart cherry juice and magnesium powder — are the stars. And both these ingredients have been shown in some limited research to support relaxation and promote sleep.

Tart cherries, also called Montmorency cherries, come with some additional nutrients, which have given them a reputation for bringing on better sleep:

Naturally high amounts of melatonin, the “sleepy hormone.”
Tryptophan, an amino acid used in the production of serotonin and melatonin. (It’s also why you might associate your turkey dinner with sleepiness.)

The other main ingredient in the sleepy girl mocktail is magnesium powder.

“Magnesium is involved in hundreds of different reactions in your body. It’s used for lots of different things,” Peart shares. “It’s a fairly common supplement that a lot of people use. And one of its benefits is that it may promote physical and mental relaxation (a sense of calm), which could make magnesium a helpful sleep aid for some people.”

Sleep is a critical part of keeping your body and your mind healthy. So, it’s important to find ways to make sure you’re getting the rest you need.
10 Ways To Motivate When You're Feeling Uninspired

10 Ways To Motivate When You're Feeling Uninspired

10 Ways To Motivate When You're Feeling Uninspired

Google this: How to get motivated. Or "how to find willpower" or "how to stop procrastination." You'd think that there would be something hidden in the inter-webs, perhaps some magic pill to swallow where *poof* we turn into balls of energy and motivation.

Sadly, there is none. I've looked.

We're sensational rationalizers. Especially when it comes to the things we need to do but don't want to. We'll craft compelling reasons to "not work" only to be met with feelings of guilt and inadequacy, and then we wonder – What's wrong with me? Where is my will power? Where is my grit? Why can't I just kill it – like Oprah? Or Beyonce?

Do we lack the gene?

Maybe, but it's not a very productive question. The better one is – how do we create it for ourselves?

Because if there is work to do that, for us, is meaningful and important, then we have no choice but to train ourselves to show up every day, even when inspiration fails us. And there are a few ways to get there.


1. Change Your Self Talk.

Take three seconds to complete this sentence with total honesty: "I am not doing the work because ____________".  Notice what's going on in your head. Acknowledge the resistance.


2. Find a Way to Reset.

Because sometimes your brain needs a reboot. Go for a long walk, take a yoga class or keep a journal. Maybe try meditation, which has been proven to not only reduce stress and anxiety, but improves attention and creativity, even with just 10 minutes a day. All of these activities are restorative for the body and the mind; they ease brain fatigue and help find your focus and energy.


3. Keep learning

Fill your brain with stories, facts, insights and ideas from the books you read and the podcasts you listen to. Do it consistently and it will teach you new things, keep you on a high and, hopefully, the stuff will sink.


4. Create a space that's inspiring.

Because the physical space we spend our time in very much influences our energy, actions and moods. Design a space that moves you in a positive direction with visual reminders of your goals, inspiring quotes or people you admire. Keep it clutter and distraction free, add some plants, some good lighting and listen to music that pumps you up.


5. Anticipate your distractions.

Your phone? Social media? Your kids? Identify all of your triggers and figure out how to eliminate and/or overcome them.


6. Focus on the process.

Forget about the mountain to climb. That will only drive you to inaction. Break your project up into small, actionable steps. If you want to write the next great novel, commit to sitting down to write 1000 words every day, rain or shine, bad or good. Make it a habit, so that when the hard days pay you a visit, you'll be able to fall back on your habit. And as Robert Collier says, "Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out."


7. Strip away all of the non essentials

Have you ever noticed that too many choices intimate you? Sometimes constraint is a good thing. Stripping away the nonessentials allows us to focus on the things that make the most impact, and minimizes the distractions.


8. Schedule your work.

Decide exactly what you're going to do, when and for how long. Schedule your work and learn to follow your own rules with focus and discipline, so that the work becomes routine, and not a thing of willpower.


9. Reward yourself with breaks.

Set a timer for 25 minutes. Or 30 or an hour. Whatever works for you. Whatever seems doable. Then, take a break. Make sure you get up and shake your legs out. And when you're ready, do it again.


10. Anticipate the hard days.

Expect that things will not go according to plan. Expect that you will make mistakes, encounter a problem or run out of steam. Expect to feel down, confused, unmotivated, afraid. More importantly, decide – in advance – how you will handle the tough days.

Ten Ways to Create Genuine Happiness in Your Life

Ten Ways to Create Genuine Happiness in Your Life

Ten Ways to Create Genuine Happiness in Your Life

In our fast-paced world, finding genuine happiness can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. However, true happiness is often found in simple, everyday practices that we can incorporate into our lives. Here are ten ways to create genuine happiness:


1. Separate you from your mind.

This is one of the biggest deterrents for people in their "quest" for happiness. You are not your mind. Have you ever heard the saying "my mind is playing tricks on me?" Your mind is great at playing tricks on you, and for some reason you tend to believe everything the mind tells you. It judges, victimizes, sabotages, and worries, and every story it produces is the truth for you. The belief in these so-called truths and stories results in a lot of pain and suffering and ultimately, unhappiness in your life. It is time to stop allowing the mind to take you for a ride. Every thought that pops in your head is not true. If it was true, you would know it. The mind has been cultivated through the compilation of false beliefs. These false beliefs were created by you, and you have the power to stop them. The mind will continue creating drama and stories. Will you continue interpreting these stories into truths which lead to emotional instability and unhappiness or will choose to not believe them?


2. Be grateful.

Be grateful for anything and everything. Show gratitude in your life on a daily basis. Write down the things you are grateful for. Tell people thank you. Before you begin wanting more, remember to be grateful for what you already have. Don't take anything you have in life for granted!


3. View every moment as a gift and enjoy it to the fullest.

Related to being grateful is enjoying every moment of life. It sounds cliché but every moment of your life is a unique gift. You are not guaranteed a certain amount of moments. You don't know when your last moment will come, so cherish every moment. If you fail to enjoy one moment, then concentrate on enjoying the next and every moment after that. I promise, you will get more out of life if you view each moment in this way. You will have no choice but to exude happiness because who isn't happy when they are receiving gifts?


4. Smile and laugh more even if it is for no reason at all.

It is amazing what a simple smile and a little laughter can do for your happiness. Some people might argue that faking a smile or faking laughter is silly. I argue that if you open yourself up to smiling and laughter it will become second-nature. Why would anyone fake smiling and laughing when there are so many reasons to smile and laugh? If you are smiling and laughing you are enjoying the moment. You are genuinely experiencing joy. Why not add more joy to your life?


5. Serve others.

This can encompass a wide range of good deeds but no matter how large or small the deed is, take the time to help your fellow man. I guarantee you will feel better about yourself, mankind, and the world. Serve others for the satisfaction of knowing you helped someone, not because you expect something in return. Conditional service to others will not cultivate genuine happiness in your life. Unconditional service with no strings attached is an enormous leap in creating the happiness you desire.


6. Manage your expectations of other people.

This is a tricky one. I don't mean that you should never have expectations of other people. Parents expect their children to behave in a respectful manner. Bosses expect their employees to work hard for the company. These are very realistic and integral to raising upstanding children or running a successful company. It is the unrealistic expectations you create that cause a lot of unnecessary drama in your life. Not every person you encounter on the street is going to be as polite as you. Not everyone is going to drive cautiously. Not everyone is going to hold the door for you or say excuse me or please and thank you. Is getting upset over situations like this really worth it? Ask yourself this the next time you want to get upset at someone for not doing what you expect. Your agenda of expectations are not always going to manifest themselves. The sooner you learn that, the less emotional instability you will experience in life.


7. Accept what you can and cannot change.

Once you manage your expectations for others, accept other people for who they are. Accept situations that you might not like for what they are. This is especially important because you can't change other people and you can't always change circumstances that arise in life. Figure out what you can and can't change. If you want to change something about yourself, go for it. Accept yourself for who you are but when change is necessary, take action. That is ok. That is how you grow. Realize that you don't have the power or authority to change others even if you really want to. People have to change because they want to, not because you want them to. Also accept that people don't have control over your happiness, only you do. If you want to be happy no one should be able to take that away from you.


8.   Don't take what other people say personally.

I wish I would have learned this one earlier in life. It is easy to take what others say to you or about you personally. The next time this happens try to remember it is only their opinion. Just because they say something hurtful or mean doesn't make it true. So why believe it? Save yourself the pain and suffering by refusing to believe mean-spirited opinions because you know they aren't true. Some people live with a lot of emotional baggage so they feel the need to spread hate to others. You don't take this personally because you know these people don't know any better. You control your happiness not anyone else. Toxic words from someone else directed toward you aren't going to alter your happy state of being.


9. Choose to love, not hate.

It sounds simple because it is. Learn to live with love. Love not only your family and friends but everyone you encounter. You don't have to hug and interact with strangers the way you do your loved ones, but you can still be compassionate and loving towards them. If you can't love people who are mean to you, at least try to accept them for who they are. As I stated previously, many people don't know any better. Loving others means you are compassionate. You don't have to be best friends with everyone but at least give people the benefit of the doubt. It cultivates happiness much easier than revenge or other acts of retaliation.


10. Live in the present and just be.

Don't focus on the past which is already over. Don't look too far into the future which is yet to come. Live in the present. The happiest people are those who don't allow their minds to wander with the business of every day. This is because they can focus on the present. They accept where they are right now. They aren't worried about what is next. They aren't sulking about past occurrences. Meditate, pray, do whatever you have to do to stay in the present moment because it is the only thing you can control right now. Change the way you look at your life. Plan your day but stay in the present as much as possible. Instead of abdicating your power to the schedule you have to keep, live presently. Perform tasks as they arise but don't allow your mind to start running through the lists and lists of things you must accomplish. Take a deep breath and realize where you are right now.


Manifestation Magic For Wealth Attraction

Manifestation Magic For Wealth Attraction


Ralph Waldo Emerson once said that “the purpose of life is not to be happy; it is to be useful”— words that ring true to date. Sadly, many people still spend their lives pursuing happiness at all costs, not knowing that it is, in fact, a by-product of living a productive life


A wasted life is only realized at the end of the road, and what usually follows is a myriad of hat ifs’ and should haves’. So how can you tell if you’re not living up to your full potential? The answer to that is simple: introspection. Look at your lifestyle, your attitude towards things, and how you interact with people and your environment. If you notice any of the following signs, chances are you are wasting your life, and it is about time you did something about it.


1. You’re settling for less

There is nothing wrong with being content with what you have, but don’t mistake contentment with fear to achieve more. One of the telltale signs that you’re living below your potential is when “good enough” becomes your standard. When you realize that you no longer care about bettering your status or making the most out of every day, when you are no longer interested in achieving your biggest dreams and becoming who you have always envisioned yourself as, and when you begin to enjoy the status quo, that’s when you’ll know that you have given up trying to live your life the way you want to, and are instead going where the tide will take you.

2. You’re Mortified to leave your Comfort Zone

Human beings are creatures of habit, and once we settle into a routine, it takes so much willpower to break out of it. But the laws of evolution dictate that only those capable of adapting to new environments are able to survive. We’re not talking about survival here, but the same principle applies when it comes to progressing in life. If you’re stuck in your comfort zone, you don’t explore new opportunities, and you don’t take any risks. You cap your progress in life by resisting change and clinging on to what is familiar because familiar is comfortable—nobody wants to live in unfamiliarity. If you are scared to do things that may improve your life simply because you’re not used to doing them, then you will never move forward.


3. You Live to Work

Society has gotten to a point where the only way to measure a person’s success or achievement is by how much work they can get done, a notion that has become such a part of our constitution that we work ourselves to death and call it a life well lived. While there is nothing wrong with earning your keep, living a life that revolves around your job denies you the chance to experience the other joys of life—family, friendship, new experiences, and more importantly, new opportunities.

There is no right way to live life, and there’s no wrong way either. When you look back at your life in your sunset years, the things that seem so important right now may pale in comparison to the things you’ll wish you would have dedicated more of your time to.


4. You spend too Much on Material Things

Even though we may forget the ambitions we had as kids, our subconscious mind doesn’t, and it has very strange ways of expressing this yearning. You find yourself spending too much on unnecessary items of luxury like new watches, the latest smartphones, clothes you did not need but bought anyway because they were on sale, and anything else that satisfies that yearning within us. If your main source of happiness comes from buying or receiving material gifts, this is what your subconscious mind is trying to tell you: you are not doing anything worthwhile with your life; find as many other ways to validate your self-worth as possible.


5. You Prefer to Live in Your Head

If you find it easier to drown in endless thoughts and fantasies instead of interacting with people and appreciating the environment around you, you’re on a path to self-annihilation. Ask any of the great minds of today—the Elon Musks and Richard Bransons—and they will tell you without hesitation the importance of staying grounded in reality. Being a thoughtful person is great, but don’t mistake it with incessantly spending time envisioning things in your mind without ever hoping or planning to put anything into action. You don’t need any experts to tell you that you’re wasting your life building castles in the air.


6. You’re Always Seeking Distractions

Anyone who spends too much time on their phone or watching TV is living life on the sidelines. You are not meant to consume endlessly, and your brain is designed to accept information, to analyze it, and to act in response to new stimuli. Forcing it to relentlessly feed off of the endless sources of information at our disposal today merely turns it into a garbage compactor of useless information, and you lose your ability to form original thoughts, which form the basis of self-awareness. It is impossible to be anything in life if you don’t fully understand who you are.


7. You subconsciously undermine yourself

If you constantly let excuses undermine your ambitions, then you’ll never get to where you want to be. Take a moment to think about this: life is going on all around us right now. Even as you read this sentence, someone somewhere is dying, and another just sucked in their first breath. Someone else has just bought their dream car, while a couple somewhere has finally been blessed with their firstborn child. Life is happening right now.

It doesn’t wait for tomorrow, and it doesn’t care whether you’re ready to live it; it just goes on. So don’t trick yourself into believing clichés like “it’s not the right time” and “I’m not yet where I want to be.” Life will pass you by as you make excuses that stop you from living to your full potential. The time for action isn’t today, or in a few hours’ time, it’s now.


8. You’re stuck in the Past

The importance of living in the moment cannot be overstated. A mind that lives in the past is never present, and to create the future you desire, you need to focus on making the most of your waking moments.


9. You Go Where the Crowd takes you

You’re wasting your life if you constantly seek validation and direction from others, even on matters that only impact your life. Not everyone that you’ll allow into your life will have good intentions, and even those who will won’t always be aligned with your life’s dreams and ambitions. Being a social person is vital to wholesome living, but making decisions based entirely on what other people want you to do will not only get you nowhere fast, it will also cause you to lose your identity.

Ten Ways to Create Genuine Happiness in Your Life

Ten Ways to Create Genuine Happiness in Your Life

Ten Ways to Create Genuine Happiness in Your Life

Finding genuine happiness in life is a pursuit that many of us strive for. In a world filled with constant distractions, demands, and stressors, it can be easy to lose sight of what truly brings us joy. However, happiness is not a destination but rather a journey that requires continual effort and introspection. It involves making conscious choices and developing habits that foster a positive and fulfilling life.

Many people equate happiness with fleeting moments of pleasure or success, but genuine happiness is much deeper and more enduring. It is about cultivating a sense of inner peace, contentment, and fulfillment that withstands the ups and downs of life. This kind of happiness is rooted in our daily actions, thoughts, and relationships. By embracing these ways to cultivate happiness, you can begin to transform your life from within and create a foundation for a more joyful and fulfilling existence.


1. Separate you from your mind.

This is one of the biggest deterrents for people in their "quest" for happiness. You are not your mind. Have you ever heard the saying "my mind is playing tricks on me?" Your mind is great at playing tricks on you, and for some reason you tend to believe everything the mind tells you. It judges, victimizes, sabotages, and worries, and every story it produces is the truth for you. 


The belief in these so-called truths and stories results in a lot of pain and suffering and ultimately, unhappiness in your life. It is time to stop allowing the mind to take you for a ride. Every thought that pops in your head is not true. If it was true, you would know it. The mind has been cultivated through the compilation of false beliefs. These false beliefs were created by you, and you have the power to stop them. The mind will continue creating drama and stories. Will you continue interpreting these stories into truths which lead to emotional instability and unhappiness or will choose to not believe them?


2. Be grateful.

Be grateful for anything and everything. Show gratitude in your life on a daily basis. Write down the things you are grateful for. Tell people thank you. Before you begin wanting more, remember to be grateful for what you already have. Don't take anything you have in life for granted!


3. View every moment as a gift and enjoy it to the fullest.

Related to being grateful is enjoying every moment of life. It sounds cliché but every moment of your life is a unique gift. You are not guaranteed a certain amount of moments. You don't know when your last moment will come, so cherish every moment. If you fail to enjoy one moment, then concentrate on enjoying the next and every moment after that. I promise, you will get more out of life if you view each moment in this way. You will have no choice but to exude happiness because who isn't happy when they are receiving gifts?


4. Smile and laugh more even if it is for no reason at all.

It is amazing what a simple smile and a little laughter can do for your happiness. Some people might argue that faking a smile or faking laughter is silly. I argue that if you open yourself up to smiling and laughter it will become second-nature. Why would anyone fake smiling and laughing when there are so many reasons to smile and laugh? If you are smiling and laughing you are enjoying the moment. You are genuinely experiencing joy. Why not add more joy to your life?


5. Serve others.

This can encompass a wide range of good deeds but no matter how large or small the deed is, take the time to help your fellow man. I guarantee you will feel better about yourself, mankind, and the world. Serve others for the satisfaction of knowing you helped someone, not because you expect something in return. Conditional service to others will not cultivate genuine happiness in your life. Unconditional service with no strings attached is an enormous leap in creating the happiness you desire.


6. Manage your expectations of other people.

This is a tricky one. I don't mean that you should never have expectations of other people. Parents expect their children to behave in a respectful manner. Bosses expect their employees to work hard for the company. These are very realistic and integral to raising upstanding children or running a successful company. It is the unrealistic expectations you create that cause a lot of unnecessary drama in your life. Not every person you encounter on the street is going to be as polite as you. Not everyone is going to drive cautiously. Not everyone is going to hold the door for you or say excuse me or please and thank you. Is getting upset over situations like this really worth it? Ask yourself this the next time you want to get upset at someone for not doing what you expect. Your agenda of expectations are not always going to manifest themselves. The sooner you learn that, the less emotional instability you will experience in life.


7. Accept what you can and cannot change.

Once you manage your expectations for others, accept other people for who they are. Accept situations that you might not like for what they are. This is especially important because you can't change other people and you can't always change circumstances that arise in life. Figure out what you can and can't change. If you want to change something about yourself, go for it. Accept yourself for who you are but when change is necessary, take action. That is ok. That is how you grow. Realize that you don't have the power or authority to change others even if you really want to. People have to change because they want to, not because you want them to. Also accept that people don't have control over your happiness, only you do. If you want to be happy no one should be able to take that away from you.


8. Don't take what other people say personally.

I wish I would have learned this one earlier in life. It is easy to take what others say to you or about you personally. The next time this happens try to remember it is only their opinion. Just because they say something hurtful or mean doesn't make it true. So why believe it? Save yourself the pain and suffering by refusing to believe mean-spirited opinions because you know they aren't true. Some people live with a lot of emotional baggage so they feel the need to spread hate to others. You don't take this personally because you know these people don't know any better. You control your happiness not anyone else. Toxic words from someone else directed toward you aren't going to alter your happy state of being.


9. Choose to love, not hate.

It sounds simple because it is. Learn to live with love. Love not only your family and friends but everyone you encounter. You don't have to hug and interact with strangers the way you do your loved ones, but you can still be compassionate and loving towards them. If you can't love people who are mean to you, at least try to accept them for who they are. As I stated previously, many people don't know any better. Loving others means you are compassionate. You don't have to be best friends with everyone but at least give people the benefit of the doubt. It cultivates happiness much easier than revenge or other acts of retaliation.


10. Live in the present and just be.

Don't focus on the past which is already over. Don't look too far into the future which is yet to come. Live in the present. The happiest people are those who don't allow their minds to wander with the business of every day. This is because they can focus on the present. They accept where they are right now. They aren't worried about what is next. They aren't sulking about past occurrences. Meditate, pray, do whatever you have to do to stay in the present moment because it is the only thing you can control right now. Change the way you look at your life. Plan your day but stay in the present as much as possible. Instead of abdicating your power to the schedule you have to keep, live presently. Perform tasks as they arise but don't allow your mind to start running through the lists and lists of things you must accomplish. Take a deep breath and realize where you are right now.